Chapter 15 - I didn't expect that

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The next few days went by smoothly. Harry decided to just do school from his room. After the worst week of his life was over he decided he would start going back to classes. He woke Draco up and the two got ready before they started walking towards the great hall.


Blaise sighed as he walked towards the great hall. He was so happy that Ron and Hermione broke up. He loved Ron so much and it was getting a little sad to see the two together. He was thinking of asking Ron out. He was confident when he wrote his speech but now he was just really nervous. 

He finally made it and looked around for his friends. Hermione and Pansy were sitting together and laughing at something. Ron was sitting next to them and stuffing his face with food. Blaise chuckled under his breath and moved to sit next to him. 

"Hey Blaise," The three said at the same time.

"Hello," He replied. 

"Do you know when Draco and Harry are going to start coming back to classes?" Pansy asked looking at him.

"No sorry," He answered. 

"It's fine but they've been gone for a while," he nodded and Hermione and Pansy went back to their conversation. Blaise did happen to notice Pansy grabbed Hermione's hand and held it for the rest of breakfast.

"So how did you sleep?" Ron asked him. 


"Draco look," Harry whispered. They were outside the great hall and were about to enter but Harry decided to spy on his friends. 

"What am I looking at?" Draco asked seeing nothing wrong or strange about the situation.

"Look at Pansy and Hermione's hands," Harry pointed towards them. Draco noticed they were holding hands and shrugged.

"I don't see anything wrong with that," he shrugged. Harry glared at him.

"They obviously like each other," Draco rolled his eyes at his mate's attitude.

"Ok so?" He responded. He didn't see the big deal.

"So? So they are being adorable,"


Ron looked up from his plate when he finished seeing his crush staring right back at him. He blushed a bit but looked away before anyone noticed. He had a crush on Blaise for a few months now. If most people were asked, they would say Ronald Weasley is straight but they clearly forgot the giant crush he had on Viktor Krum in fourth year.

He started drinking pumpkin juice to try and calm himself. He didn't want to get his hopes up and start thinking Blaise liked him. That would probably never happen. Blaise was too hot and rich. Plus he was probably straight anyway. 

"You have something right there," Blaise pointed to a spot on Ron's face. Ron tried to wipe it off but apparently failed when he heard Blaise's laughter. He sounded so carefree and happy. Ron could listen to it all day. He blushed again and looked down at his plate.

"Here let me help you," Blaise said once his laughter faded away. He lifted Ron's face up and grabbed a napkin and whipped whatever was on his face off. Ron focused in on Blaise's eyes and the two didn't even realize they were leaning in until their lips touched.  Ron jumped away quickly and blushed very red. Blaise just chuckled. Ron liked him.

"Will you go on a date with me next week?" He asked Ron who shook his head, still in shock.


"They kissed Draco!" Harry squealed. 

"That's great Harry you just said they liked each other. Pansy doesn't do that in public most of the time so that's a little weird," Draco rolled his eyes while responding. He didn't understand why Harry was busy obsessing over them when he could be obsessing over him. Harry should only focus on their relationship. 

"Not them Draco! Blaise and Ron," Draco's eyes widened. 

"I didn't expect that," he mumbled.

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