Chapter 14 - You Bitch

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This chapter will have some pansmione in it. Let me know what you think of the chapter when you are done reading please and thank you! Also just so you know I'm not doing mpreg I don't really want to. Another thing before I start but can you please check out "Dear Potter" it's a fanfiction that I am writing and it is angst. If you read it please tell me what you think of that too. 

"So tell me again," Harry sighed as he tried explaining his dream to Draco.

"You had a ponytail, a beard and we had two kids. But the worst part is I was pregnant," Harry explained quickly.

"So you never want to be pregnant?" Draco asked giving Harry a slight glare. 

"No Draco. I love kids believe me I do but all the pain and the money it would take to have a kid would hurt. Let's not forget the mental problems we both have that we could pass down to our kids by accident. How about we stick to a cat or something?" Harry explained again. He wasn't having kids and Draco wouldn't change his mind either.

"Okay I understand love," Draco sighed. It was in his instincts to mate and have kids but it was also in his instincts to make sure Harry stayed happy and safe with him so if Harry didn't want kids, they just won't have kids. Harry smiled up at him for a few seconds before that smile turned into a glare as he clutched his stomach. 

"I forgot that I was supposed to be mad at you. I can't believe you and your stupid inheritance made me get a bloody period while I'm a bloody bloke," Harry said as he glared harder when a cramp hit him.

"I'm sorry," Draco said and tried to wrap Harry into his arms. "No you're not," Harry said and walked back into their room to lay down. He was skipping and becoming a stripper. Draco is making him go through all this pain so he can deal with Harry dropping out and becoming a stripper. And apparently, they make good money. 


"You bitch!" Pansy yelled at Hermione from across the hall. Hermione jumped up a little but made sure to keep a calm composure.

"What do you want Pansy?" Hermione asked trying to look away from her eyes. She hated admitting it but the real reason Ron and she broke up is because they both had crushes on certain Slytherin's 

"Nothing I just wanted to be dramatic and make the whole school think we are back to be rivalries," Pansy shrugged it off like it was the most normal thing ever. She and Hermione were currently in the great hall waiting for their friends to show up bur from the looks of it that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. 

Pansy looked up from her plate to stare at Hermione. She has had a crush on the girl since fourth year and Pansy knows Hermione likes her back. Hermione keeps blushing when looking at her or she will make small flirtatious comments then shrug it off as something she does with all her friends. 

"Why are you staring at-" Hermione was cut off when lips lightly brushed hers. They both blushed bright red when they pulled away. 

"Wow," They both said at the same time.

"Do you like me, Pansy?" Hermione asked. Pansy nodded and they blushed again. Neither of them blushed that hard in forever but they liked each other for so long that it was finally time for them to kiss. They were both really happy for the rest of the day and everyone around them loved it. 

The next chapter will have blon in it.

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