Lovely Eyes cont.

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A few days passed after our first meeting, and within those days we managed to have decent progress with the song, but still, the two have some tension around them.

I told Tokiya about what Van said to me, even if it was a joke or not I just felt I had to tell him. He first obviously took offense to this but he composed himself and told me that he trusts me. This made me fall in love with him all over again. The trust between us is not something anyone can just break. But he did tell me not to stick too close to him as much as I can. I would have done that even without him telling me.

Today was the start of filming so Ren and I head towards the shooting location and got ready. The first few scenes were nothing special as it was to build up to the climax where Ren and Van will face off each other. I deliver my lines as instructed and soon a break was called.

"I'm tireddd." I slump on my chair as I fan my face.

"You did so well Melody!" Van comes up to me.

"Thank you. You did great too." I smile.

"Alright! Ren and Van go to your places!" A staff member calls the two.

This scene is where the two confront each other before the trial. It's supposed to be intense and heated. Which is how their current relationship is anyway. Let's see how they play it out.

"Andddd start!"

"I am Kazeno Sosuke, attorney-at-law!" Van's delivery was more than perfect. It has such a big contrast on how he performed before the shoot.

"There he is! The real Van!" His agent from before whispers in excitement.

"When I take a case. I never lose." Van looks pointedly at Ren as if he was the character himself.

"He's pretty amazing..." I whisper. "But Ren won't lose to him."

"You took the words right out of my mouth." Ren grin. "I'll put everything on the line to defend her!"

They glare at each other as the wind blows in their favor, creating a tense atmosphere.


The shoot ends there as we all congratulate and thank one another for a hard day's work. Despite Van's carefree nature he really takes care of the people around him, and his work as well. No wonder he was rumored to be a great idol. That was something to admire from him.

A hectic week passed filled with work and finally, I had a solid foundation on how to compose the song. Throughout that week the tension between them had lessened. Before, it was like they were at each other's throats, but now it seemed much more of a friendly rivalry. I would have stepped in things didn't get better but thankfully it did.

I spent a couple of days by myself composing while the two film their drama. I was just a side character anyway and so I didn't need to appear in all the filming. Of course, I asked permission from the director first before doing so. Finally, I was able to complete our song. It was something else if I do say so myself.

The last day of filming came. This time the two will fight it out in the courtroom while I act as the suspect.

"Lady." Ren calls me as I just had my outfit adjusted.

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