Maji Love Revolution

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We finish that song with a bang. The audience cheers were so loud we could hear them through our ear piece.

"Good job." Ranmaru patted my back.


We stood in a line and bowed to the audience and waved around for a bit before heading back.

"You did exceptionally well out there." Camus said.

"Of course I did." I wipe my sweat before it could ruin my makeup.

The make-up artist quickly informs me to change and get ready for my next performance.

"That was amazing guys." I smile and bow to them. "Thank you for allowing me to experience that."

"You weren't so bad yourself." Ai gave a small smile.

"You better hurry!" Reiji pushes me away. "We look forward to your performance with them."

"Alright! You better watch us carefully!" I wave them goodbye and quickly head to the changing room.

I change out of my outfit and sat on the makeup chair and let them do their work. I hear STARISH enter and see them in the mirror's view.

"How was it?" I ask them, staying still so that I won't bother the make-up artist.

"You were amazing!" Otoya squeals.

"It was definitely an evolution." Masato nods.

"It's actually terrifying how good it was." Ren smiles and shakes his head.

"I could feel the energy all the way from back here." Cecil smiles to himself.

"You were so full of energy back there!" Syo grins.

"I can't wait to perform!" Natsuki beams.

"Let's all do our best." Tokiya brings them together.

"That's it!" My make-up artist once again never fails to amaze me.

"It's perfect!" I do last-minute checks to my now changed outfit. I wore a frilly button-down with a blazer on top and a loose tie. I wore fingerless gloves and accessories to complete the look. "Don't forget about me guys." I enter their circle.

Our outfits all match perfectly. It is so satisfying to look at!

 It is so satisfying to look at!

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"We would never." Tokiya placed my hand on top of the others.

"Once again we share another stage together." Masato starts the round by making us feel reassured.

"No matter what let's do our best!" Otoya's smile makes us all smile.

"Let's not worry about anything first!" Syo hypes us up.

"Let's enjoy ourselves!" Natsuki makes us feel less burdened.

"Let's do our absolute best." Tokiya makes us remember to keep our cool.

"I am so grateful for this opportunity to sing again!" Cecil keeps the energy comfortable.

"Let's show the ladies what we got." Ren reminds us of our passion.

"I'm so lucky to be with you all." I smile and close the little sentimental speech. "Let's get out there!"

We break the circle and head on out. We arrived backstage where the announcer was introducing us individually so we did last-minute practice with clarifying steps, notes, and placements.

"Good luckkk!" Reiji came to greet us as well as the rest of his group.

"Reiji!" Otoya seemed surprised to see him.

"Let's see if you could defeat us." Camus smirks.

"Just watch us!" Cecil gave a confident smile.

This isn't even the actual competition yet they're acting like it is. I sigh.

"C'mon let's focus." I turn to QUARTET NIGHT. "Thank you for wishing us luck though."

"That's obvious." Ai raises a brow.

"We'll be watching carefully." Ranmaru challenges us with a look.

"And now for the next group STARISH!"

That was our cue. We head out and did our individual greetings to our fans. The lights dimmed and we all stand in place. Waiting for the cue, I gripped my handheld mic. Then it started.

O・S: Surpassing 1000%,
T・R: Next after 2000% is
M・N・C: A great revolution of love,
All Serious Love Revolutions!!

O: Experiencing together this revolution!
N: This overflowing revolution!
R: This greatest revolution!
S: Let's aim for this revolution!
C: This glittering revolution!
M: This resounding revolution!
T: Everything is this revolution!

M: These melodies blossoming in our hearts are
N: O, oh! They're something for you alone
C: A future tied to the stuff of legends,
M・N・C: Let's pray! We'll depict it together!

T・R: Glittering more brightly than diamonds,
R: This bond,
T: This miracle,
T・R: Our wish to the stars!

O: These feelings I can't let go of,
S: If I grasp them tightly,
O: Bursting out suddenly,
S: Intensifying with passion,
O・S: Wishing us 'Good luck!' with a smile,
T・R: Now, to the sky!
M・N・C: See, because the world is waiting for us!

All We can fly!
  Let's sing! (1000%) Let's dance! (2000%)
  Shout out your dreams in these revolutions!
  Let's kiss! (1000%) Let's hold hands! (2000%)
  It's not just for show,
M・N・C: The power of love!

O・S: When we're filled by saying "I love you,"
T・R: We'll embrace you tightly!
AllA great revolution of love,
  Serious Love Revolutions!!

*Maji Love Revolution* Source


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