CHAPTER 1 : THE CATCH 88 (Malcolm)

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from the time I was born unusual things happened around me as my granny told me. But I never believed them until I turned 11.This was the time when unusual things started happening around me more frequently.Like once in the apartments I lived I was just walking around with my friends when I suddenly saw a stupid man jump from the terrace, the terrace was so high that there was no doubt that if he falls that there would be a big full-stop to his life,but somehow I saw him in mid air and the air around me got electrified the time slowed down and the next thing i knew that i was holding the man my friends were just where I was with them and there was a dark lining from where i stood before and now where I stood. My friends were looking at me incredulously and after  taking the fainted man to his house with my friends,as we were going back downstairs my friend Leo exclaimed "how did you even do it man,it was so cool like your eyes were all like thunder !!" "you must be having super powers said peter the person whom you could always find with a comic book."I dunno man"I said "but till the time it all happened for good I have no problems with it". 

I was lying in my bed thinking about what happened today and how extraordinary I am I looked at my hands like they were some dangerous appendages and were weaponized to fight battles.

everything was fine till the time these weapons saved someone's life but what-what if they hurt someone will I be liked by anyone or I will be person against whom people will keep a grudge and will cower in front of him,will peter and leo then also exclaim it as my cool super powers ??well I said to myself better not to think about it I said to myself.I could always control my by staying calm and never losing my cool.

By morning I had forgotten the incident of yesterday walking like a normal person as everyone is in this world.When I reached school I saw my archenemy Chuck.T.Jefferson and her stupid fan following of girls and boys led by Ariana Valdez who supposedly had a crush on Chuck.T.Jefferson.I saw them ragging,well ragging is a kind word.They were bullying as well as hitting a boy.I turned towards them and started walking towards him as I reached, I could hear chuck speaking "hey shorty boy !!"i peeked a look at the boy , tears were streaming through his eyes,he had an Asian face and looked so meek that a strong wind would knock him off the ground."What the heck is this ??"I shouted, everyone stopped and then chuck slowly walked towards me with a conceited gait and glaring eye daggers at me he was tall and muscular boy with sandy hair and long and evil looking eyebrows he said "what do you want ??" i stared at him with the same glare and said "leave the boy" "why are you having any problem with it ?" "well I guess you forgot it but I won in the elections for the chairperson by you with what a 200 hundred votes so it is my duty to  check that everyone stays in their limit" his face flustered remembering his defeat and then he said "I will see to you in the afternoon night" "no probs you can see me anytime, anywhere i am ready. Kid come with me" I said and took the little boy with me.

"so what's your name ??"I had bought the kid a chocolate so that he could calm his nerves"m-my name is Tyler Dam" "ohkay so Tyler my name is Malcolm Night and I am the chairperson of the students council any problem,just tell me okay ?"the boy looked at me with some resemblance to respect and then nodded. "Okay so shall I show you your class ?" the boy again looks tenderly at me which melts my heart just like the ice cream that is kept for to hours in direct sunlight "no problem I will go myself and thank you for the chocolate sir"I smiled at him and said "No problem just be strong"the boy gives me brave smile and then turns around to go to his class.

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I was sleeping in my history subject when suddenly a paper ball hits me and I wake up from my sleep and look around and see Emily waving at me , I wave back and then she points at the paper  I unwrap it and squint at the message "ummmm......."it is written a coffee after school  I scribble my answer "no" and throw it back on her, it caught her head and she laughs, then she sees the answer and looks at me grumpily and then turns away. I turn my head towards the black board and i see that Ms. stormy glaring at me and then suddenly she says my name aloud "Malcolm Night !"  I stand up and say "yes ma'am ?" she glares at me and asks me"tell when did french revolution start"I gulped "1687 ??"she stared at me and said "well, well excellent answer !,how did you know the answer even after you were sleeping ,how extraordinary!!"i looked around for help but my friends were in the dark trying to find the answer."I am really sorry ma'am i just kind of got in a trance and fall asleep."ms.stormy's stormy eyes bore upon me and then she nodded gruffly and said "it's okay but the next time i see you sleeping ,you will be going down."I nod and sit on my seat, from the periphery of my vision I could see Chuck T Jefferson snickering and trying to mock  me.I said to myself "control your anger and then i again started to concentrate at the blackboard.

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After the  last class I stuffed my bag with my books and went out.There stood the  Chucky gang waiting for me,yup that's what me and my friends leo and peter called them because it annoyed them to no extent.Leo and Peter were having detentions so they would be in school for a long time.As I walked past them chuck caught my hand and made me face his face I said "hey stinky, a little distance please or i will faint." he snarls and suddenly punches me in my guts owwwww  that hurts but I was cautious enough not to let my anger spill because if it did ......................again he slapped me and and slapped but my patience was also spilling down drop by drop suddenly he held my face  and punches me  on my face this was the last straw. i looked up on him and saw that he is laughing with his gang , I say "say sorry and I will leave you"he looks at me  incredulously and then again starts laughing at me "oh really shall I cower in front of you huh ?"and he again punches me and this is when i far as I remember it suddenly started raining down the way i was feeling suddenly I rose up in the air and roared and suddenly I have a lightning sword and when I raise it , thunder crackles to it and electricity hits chuck and he smashes with the wall , other four advance upon me when i wave my hand and a strong gust of of wind caught them and sharp pointed sword like structure erupts from the earth and the four boys were thrown away because of the gust of wind and landed on the earth sword projections erupted my so probably their butts will be punctured by now.more four buys charged against me and i landed with full force on the ground and suddenly the grasses elongated and became like chainsaws and tied them themselves.only two more left okay come on boys and they started running away from me to save themselves but I again threw my arms like throwing a fire ball and ice materialized in front of them and they slipped and fell face first on ice. "ouchie that must have hurt you" I said and I fainted.

I woke up in a hospital bed but I didn't care about that I knew what I had done and I stood up from my bed and rushed outside I was frantic, it had been a pleasure to hit Chuck.T.Jefferson with lightning but what if the police takes me to jail ?? well not jail but again i should have controlled myself I started despairing  over the accident when suddenly a man from behind said "what is done we cannot change it but we can act precautionary acts in the future"I look behind a man  in his late thirties sitting on the bed his blonde hair were in a military cut he wore a black suit on a white shirt with a tie and black trousers, he looked like he was about to go for an interview "who are you ??"I asked him"he smiled at me and said "I am a man just like you" I looked up at him "No, you don't know what I have done.You don't know what am I"he just smiled at me and said "wanna see my magic ??"I nodded  thinking that he will do some silly magic trick but instead suddenly metal wing sprouted from his back and he could go through the wall as if he was transparent."whoa !" I said. "so you too are like me unusual" he again smiled at me and said "not just me and you but there are people like us everywhere and i have opened a hostel for people like us and you can also be a part of it"i look at his kind eyes "but what if i hurt people there also ?"at this he laughed like I have cracked a joke and said "maybe you will, but we will teach you how to control them so don't worry but the choice is up to you would you like to join our big family"I thought about it, going to this hostel would be like leaving my family behind,leo and peter also behind but if I stay with them then i will just cause them more pain suddenly Mr.x says breaking his  thoughts afraid to leave your family are you ??I nod and stutter"c-can you r-read minds also ??"he says "no just take it as my experience suddenly he asks me again and I say "I guess I will"and then he says "okay so I must keep going for now"he was turning to leave when I say "wait, what is your name by the way??"he smiles and then says "professor James is my name Malcolm and I expect to see you soon in the Winston school for disabilities"and then he hands me a letter and then disappear in mid air.

Malcolm night : the detour to the hall of shadowsWhere stories live. Discover now