B.S chapter 5

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Enji came home a little grumpy, the meeting had nothing to do with the task he was given, a bunch of kids stealing cars, all he had to do was melt the tires and that was that. A pretty easy thing to do, but he wonders how Yagi does it, he looks as though he loves every little mission that happens, weather taking care of a cat on a tree, or breaking up a fight at a bar, or even battling the most feared villian out there! He loved saving people, giving them a helping hand, truly bless his golden bleeding heart. It tortures him everyday, to the moment the sun shines, to when its pitch black with the moon out, it hurts him, badly. Let alone with his night terrors, sometimes he's close to waking up screaming, lucky Enji was there.

" Hey hey....it's ok, i'm right here."

Enji was getting used to being more of a lovable person, hugging, kissing, being more kind to those who want his attention. Yagi was truly doing something to him.

" Sorry Nezu, but Yagi will have call a day off today, he's had another one of his episodes and hurt himself pretty bad." Enji sighed as he cuddeld Yagi close.

" Of course, that man has been through so much in his life, i send my regards in hoping that he gets better soon." Nezu spoke calmly.

" EHHH?! Why?!"

" It is not my place to say why, or tell you, just know that All Might will be taking the week off." Aizawa scoffed.

Shoto was bit on edge hearing this, but he remembered Yagi-san telling him that he wasn't doing very well. And so he settled.

" You clearly know why he isn't here half-n-half, whats going on??" Bakugo stated.

" All i know is All might telling me he didn't feel really well." Todoroki answered.

" Well maybe, could you ask him? he even comes when he's sick, so this must be serious." Midoriya pressed on.

The day when on without their dorky All Might, they really miss him and it hasn't even been the first day.

Shoto got home and threw off his shoes to the side. Throwing off everything from school he quickly calls for Yagi.

" Yagi-san! I'm home!"

" Oh hello Shoto! how was school? everything ok?" Yagi questioned.

" Everything was fine, but, why didn't you come?"

" I'm just not feeling my best Shoto, i told you already."

Shoto pressed forward." No, that's not true! something's up!"

" Like what?"

Shoto slamed his hand down.
" Like that mark on your face and arm! how did you get those?!"

Toshi looked up and down to the marks that were showed.

" Oh this? i hurt myself in my sleep pretty badly, nothing too serious."

" Oh come on! he's been hurting you on the low hasn't he?! i knew it!"

" Shoto Todoroki."

oh shit...

Shoto shaken just a bit as he heard his full name be spoken.

" You listen here young man, i haven't been given any reason to lie. What i've been telling you is the truth, i know what your father has done, but for you to have such little faith in him is unacceptable!"

Shoto didn't bother to talk back to Yagi-san.

" Now listen, i understand the way you feel, but i'm getting a bit tired of YOU THREE thinking i can't handle your father. This will stop now, nothing will be resolved if you continue to hate on him. Do you understand?"

" Y-yes Yagi-san, s-sorry Yagi-san." Shoto replied.

" good." Yagi clapped his hands together lightly.

" Then if it's not that, how did you hurt yourself in your sleep?"

Enji popping outta nowhere answered that question.

" He has very bad night terrors, it causes him to lash out a bit in his sleep, which also causes him to hurt himself."

" Oh.......sorry Yagi-san"

" Nothing to be sorry for! That is just some of the con's in being a hero! Having days of a good night sleep was one of those things i had to give up." Yagi concluded.

" He was knocking some one's block off, i've never seen him get so violent before."

" You clearly haven't seen the worst of it." Yagi bragged.

Yagi told shoto that if anyone asks just to tell them he is really sick, he doesn't want him having night terror's to be out in the open, he rather keep that in a safe space.

" OH C'MON!!! NOTHING?! REALLY?!?" Midoriya whined.

" I'm sorry Midoriya, but he really just isn't at his best right now."

" It's ok todoroki, i just wish the common cold wasn't always out to get him."

Shoto only huffed.

not a common cold.

The entire house was covered in traps, after telling the kids not to come home that friday, they set everything up just how they wanted it.

" Are you sure?"

" He won't stop till we hate eachother, either we start now or do you wanna break up?" Yagi looked at Enji with spice.

" Nope, guess these traps will have to do." Enji responded quick.

" Thats what i thought."

Dabi was going to be up front about this, since he was at an advantage he took it.
He slid he way into the home.

" Seems i had company waiting." Dabi smirked.

Enji was ready to fight, Dabi might be his son, but to let Yagi get hurt would be a cold regret to him forever.

" Behind me Yagi, I know you like the battle field but i don't think we need a dead person in the house!" Enji hissed.

Yagi just pouted and stayed put.

" So old man, just me and you then aye?"Dabi smiled.

Enji worked up his stance and was ready to fight head on.

" Bring it, Dabi, i'm more than willing to show you the ropes once again."

" what a sick joke!"

-^- please enjoy a bit of a rushed chapter, but eh.

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