Chapter 3

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Enjis pov
I sighed as I looked over to Toshi.
Now, i know there's something wrong. He was never this edgy along with getting mad, sure yeah, some times, but this? Never. I always knew there was something wrong, just by the look in his eyes,


That what used to be sunshine gleam in his eyes, are now gone.
And even if I'm happy to know that he's finally broken, i still want to know, what happened?
It's out of curiosity, Toshi. Because, if i did care, i would've done worst to get the truth out.

I squat down, and just look......a mess.  He has his knees over to his chest and kept his head down, as he should.

" Know you, if your just going to look down and me to make your self feel better, you should go to some one else." Toshi sighed.
I snorted as I went to pick his arm up. " Yagi, stop acting like a fucking baby and man up!" I yelled.
Toshi, of course, didn't listen.
He snatched his arm back and stayed in his position.
" Just leave me alone, please..."

Is he crying???

" Toshinori. Can you man the fuck up and stop acting like this? Your crying for no fucking reason an-"

" SHUT UP!!!" He yelled.

I looked at him, giving him the  you-have-5-secounds-to-give me a-reason-not-to-burn-you look.
He looked at me, with teary wet eyes. He looked upset, very upset, broken mostly.
" You don't know anything about me! Nothing! And hating me for, What? Wanting to be on the top too?!" Toshi's said as he was breaking more. " I've alwaysed smiled, i always laughed, i hid my own feelings from everyone! Can't i........can't I at least have this one time? Where I get to be myself!?" He sobbed.
I know I was right, that he hid everything, and now that that something broke his wall. He can't no longer hold anything in.
I looked him right in the eye and got as close to his face as possible.
" Better suck it up if you want to survive out here. Cause unless you man up for whatever you're going through, which i think is something utterly irrelevant, You're never going to become the Numer one hero." I hissed in his ear.
I heard him shiver underneath me.
He sucked his breath in. " Its not irrelevant, you have no clue what am going through. And if you're not here to help me in anyway, MIGHT AS WELL SHUT THE HELL UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Yagi banged on the tree against him, sending it flying across the forest, he was yelling louder, his anger seeping through his skin. I've never thought I'd lived to see this kind of Yagi, but here I am, in the flesh. I looked at him in the face as I saw his right eye get darker than normal, black. His tears becoming as blue as his eyes. ' what the hell is happening to you?'

Toshis POV
" Toshinori, will you calm the fuck down!? Your wasting your energy on useless shit like this!" Enji yelled back at me.
I don't understand why I took the time to talk to him, he'll never understand me, nor will he ever take the time to listen to me.
I turn my back to him and jump off of the tree. I just need to be alone, I don't need another person on my back about my own problems. " Toshinori!!! Get back here! I'm not done with you!" I heard Enji yell from behind me.
'Never finished with anything' I thought as I ran forward more.
I kept running till I found a river.
Its softly rushes through the moonlight glistening everytime when it gets the chance.
I leaned forward to see my own reflection. It took me a hot minute before I realized that my right eye was black! " What the hell?"
I tried to look at it more as it slowly started to turn back to its normal self.
It must be all for one. But Nana never told me anything about this.
As my eye slowly turned back to normal. A smokey hand gripped my shoulder. If he's trying to dislocate my shoulder, he's not doing it very well.
" Didn't I tell you that if you're not going to help me, than leave me alone?"
I said as I slowly looked up at him.
" No, you said, shut the hell up and leave me alone." Enji remarked.
" Whats your point?" I asked him, knowing something disrespectful is going to come out of his mouth.
He sat himself next to me.
" Well for starters, your eye......Yagi." I tensed a little by hearing him say my actual name. I haven't heard "Yagi" since.............since.........Nana.
He tried to look at my eye more. " what happened to it, why did it turn black?" Enji asked me. " I don't know. Its  a new thing to me too, maybe its connected to my quirk somehow." I say with my eye now completely back to normal. " Was it always like that? Or did it start to happen when I started.........yelling?" I asked looking over to him. " it started when you were yelling, it might be controlled by your emotions." Enji suggests.
I look back at the river. Seeing it peacefully go through the water.  I wish I could go in it, knowing that nothing was waiting for me on the other side.

" Welp! We should head back now, should we?" Enji said getting up from his spot besides me.
" Yyyyyyeeeahhhhh" I say, knowing whats about to happen next.
I quietly get up from my spot on the floor and suck in my breath.
" About that Enji........Uhhhhhhhh"
" what? What is it?" He started getting irritated. Oh God, here goes nothing..........

We have no idea where " Back" is.

HA! I love this! The amount of suffering thats going to follow up on this chapter will be funny! Anyway, since this story hasn't gotten much of my attention....putting another chapter in wouldn't hurt anybody. Hahahahahahahaha,
Its where the storys gonna go.
I know this one was a bit short, but hopefully the next chapter will be longer, and my fingers beyond the word dislocated :)
Bye bye!
-Unity legend.

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