Chapter 11

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Toshi's pov

I had just gotten back from my jog that I usually do. The sun was just about to set, i decided to run over to class 1-A's dorm to see them after their training. I watched as I saw a bundle of kids slide out from the school. I waited for them, but while I was waiting I saw a blaze of fire emerge from the trees as i stood right across from 1-a's dorm. Endeavor was here, why is that? He saw me and started to walk towards me along with the bundle of tired kids. I saw all of them say hi to me in a respectful manner, their always happy to see me.
I saw Midoriya's fluffy hair and patted him on the head. " Trained well?" Midoriya's head shot up at me.
" Yeah, I didn't get hurt this time! I've been practicing on my kicks! I think I'm getting better!" Midoriya stated. " Thats great! How about the rest of you?" I looked over to the rest of the tired children. Brings back memories for me, being unbelievably tired after a hard training session. They all began to tell me about their training and the amount of pain they were in. I laughed as I remembered the amountof times I wanted to just keel over and die after training. I had almost forgot that Endeavor was even there till I saw a blaze of fire emerge right in front of me. " Why is he here?" Todoroki looked over at his father with disapproval.
" Why hello there Endeavor! What brings you here?" Endeavor stayed quite for a moment until he spoke.
"All might, may I have a word with you?" Endeavor said, completely ignoring my question. " Well sure! Give me a second." I reassured him. I walked over to dismissed all of the kids into their dorm, Todoroki seem very skeptical about why his father wanted to see me, but i told him it was fine. The thing was that he insisted that if anything were to happen to me, he wouldn't be hesitant to kill his father. Hahahahaha, oh no...........
As I was just about done, i made way back to Endeavor. " So, what is there that you wanted to speak with me about?" I gave him a small smile.
" Come with me." Endeavor said in a stern voice ad he turned his back to me.

I began to follow him outside of UA, I beginning to get a little worried, what is there to speak of that I have to be this far away from the school? I basically live at the school in the teachers dorm because its too dangerous for me to live by myself. There was a car parked right infront. He had opened the door for me. " Get in." He demanded.
" Ehhhh, may I ask what this is about for this to be necessary?" I asked standing in my place. " Just get in, I'm taking you to my place." "Why? I don't think I'm dressed properly for such an occasion." I politely stated as I pointed out that I was still in my jump suit. I have no shame for wearing my own merchandise. " That won't be necessary, it'll just be me and you, my other kids went out for specific reasons that they do not bother on telling me what." Endeavor insisted. " Alright I guess, but if I smell, you can't complain." I sighed as I walked in the car.
He walked in on his side of the car, putting out his flame. Haven't seen that face in a while. He began to drive onward.
It was an awkward way to his house, not knowing anything that he wants to speak of or know was putting me a little to the edge.

(35 minutes later)

He open the door for me to his home.
" Thank you." I politely said as I made my way in. I didn't bother sitting down, pretty sure if I did I'd make it smell weird. It was silent for a moment as I heard the door click shut. I heard him shift for a few minutes until he was completely silent. I slowly turned my way to him." So, what is there you want to talk about?" I asked as I turned my way towards him. Within just 0.5 milliseconds I was pinned against the wall. " What are you doi-mMmMmh!"
He kissed my mouth shut. " W-wait!!!"
I completely shifted my way off of him.
" This is wrong you know that?! You're married!!! I can't just do that to your kids!" I was completely baffled on what he was doing. He started to walk closer to me with a stern voice. " I'm no longer married, that's my ex wife, and in anyway, I'm pretty sure the kids will be thrilled that their new step dad will be former no.1 hero, all might." I was once again pinned to the wall. " I'll take the blame if anything happens." He had kissed me once more. " b-but..."
" Shhh...just enjoy it." He whispered against my lips.
He kissed me full on and started to make out with me. I haven't been through somthing like this in so long. He slid his hands up my jump suit and I accidentally slid out a moan.
" Nnahhh~" shit! " Mmm? You still moan after all this time? I haven't heard you make those noises in so long." He slid his way into my neck. Fuck, fuck, fuck! " I still remember the places that make you go crazy, did you know that?" I shivered underneath his breath.
" i-its been decade's, I thought......" he bit my neck as hard as he could. Causing me to bite my lip so it could shut me up.
He bit, nipped, and played in all the right places. He really does remember all the right places. He looked back up at me and kissed me once more. "MmmMh!" He roughly kissed me until my lips looked as red as a cherry.
" i want to hear you, don't quite yourself or that'll make it worse for you." He picked me up in one swift move and began to walk where I assume was his room, don't think he'd take me anywhere else. He opened his door and placed me down on his bed.
He locked his door. He's not doing what think he's doing, is he? He turned to me and went up to my ear. " Better get ready for a long night."
That answers my question. I haven't had sex in almost a decade, I'll explode.
But something like that sounds amazing. I need to get out. But I can't, mother fucker locked the door and he is way stronger than me now ever since I used up the last of ofa, so there is absolutely nothing I can do. Shit.
" Don't you remember what I told you the first day we did this?" Enji went right directly into my face. " B-but, when you got married...." " I got married so my legacy could be carried on through another generation. If you really had the power to hold a baby, i would've given it to you the day we finished UA." I felt his breath brush against my ear. " Thats brutal, what about your wife? She must be devastated to know that you married her just for that one reason." I stopped him in his tracks. " Things like those can't be reversible, do I wish i can undo what I did to her? Yes, she wouldn't be in the hospital if that were possible. And Shoto wouldn't hate me as much, But I know i can't do that, so I might as well fix another problem thats been bugging me. You." He pinned me down to the bed with zero effort. " You know, I can get used to this body, shows the real you, and not some shit bag the pretends everything is alright." He bit down on my collar. " Ever since I got what I achieved, it came to me that there's nothing else there for me once it was done. Knowing that humans aren't objects was somthing i should've learned a long ass time ago. Shoto taught me that. But you did too." He let himself just lay there on top of my body. Surrounding me with himself. " How?" I asked, getting a little nervous that his body just might suffocate me.
" You always went into fights so recklessly. You thought your were some object and not a human being. You smiled no matter what. And it's true that your smile began to piss me off, i wasn't lying about that one. But now that you were so brutality proven wrong, all that's left is for you to do is just accept it." I felt his mouth move with every word he said on my neck. I laid there with him for a few minutes until my breathing began to get uneven, it was starting to get harder to breath. " E-enji? Could you....?" He got off of me slowly. " I forgot you only have one lung and no stomach. I guess this round will get interesting." He threw off his own shirt and pants. I guess we're actually doing this.
" Do you still hear it? The voice from so long ago? You yet to use it at all?" My head snapped up just to see his back still turned to me. I completely forgot everything about that voice. Its been so long. How could I forget? " I'll take that as a no, guess you forgot on how you have a quirk, your not qurikless, you just don't use it." He turned around to look at me. " Ever wondered on why your eyes suddenly went black?" Enji sighed. " Or how you're still living? Nobody could even stand with the condition you're in. Its your quirk Yagi, it refuses to let you die." I took in the information he had given me. Is this true? Can I still talk to it? Hello? Anybody in there?
There was silence.
I waited.

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