B.S chapter 6

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it was sorta a fight of the same, but different.

now you see, the more Dabi fights, the more pain he puts himself in.

His fire isn't hot.

But so blistering cold that his fire begins to feel hot, like dry ice, touch it for too long and it burns you.

And in that current state, your body can only take so much before you go over board. Like an overdose, obesity , water, air, blood, anything really. Too much and it'll kill you.

Now when you think about it, death is always there, you just avoid it as much as you can.

Well, Dabi was willing to look at death with a smile.

(A\N: sorry not sorry Dabi stans >:) )

He felt it, the sheer sizzle overlapping his now purple skin, he wanted to yell out in pain, but it wouldn't help him.

He jumped from the floor to the wall, flipping he way. He gripped Enji's shoulder.

like his skin was melting, he did one last smoldering blow right below.

Not to Enji.

oh no not him.

He wasn't his target at all really.

But a flower,

bright and yellow,

how happy that yellow flower was to be alive,

holding onto it tightly,

that yellow flower was happy ,

so very,

very happy....

But he fucked with the wrong flower.


" Two was found heavily injured in the Todoroki household, it's not shown who, but lets pray and hope that they are fighting their way to survive."

A life or death situation, and All Might already made a promise.

" fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!!! YAGI!!!"

Enji's voice was distant and began to become quite, even though Enji was right there with him.

Dabi was at a passing point. The bullet wound in a very dangerous place. He will die if not treated.  He groaned loudly as the medical staff began to burst into the house.

Yagi had many burns on his body that made him feel weak, but it wasn't much as the smoldering hot knife that burned into him. He might not live after this one.

" s-stop.......bleeding..."

" I'm trying! I'm trying! Please stay with me! pleasepleasepleaseplease!"

The medic had taken Yagi softly from Enji, knowing if they were any slower, He will die.

But then Enji's attention went back to Dabi, it was red, All. Red.


well, to think about it, he was calling himself a bitch, but everything that's happend, you already know which is the bitch here.

Enji was going to kill Dabi, and he was going to enjoy it. Every punch, bruise, cut and burn he caused to the evil teen, he enjoyed.

If it weren't for hawks, Dabi would've been dead.

" Hey hey! You're gonna kill him!"

" SO WHAT?!"

Hawks sighed as he dragged Enji out of the room.

" Hurry to the hospital, k? You need your energy to get to your love y'know!"

Enji grunted, but whenever it came to Yagi and his well being, Enji didn't bother to argue.

Enji left with the trust in Hawks that he'll deal with Dabi.

" You can always count me red! Now hurry up and go!"

When Hawks turned around to see Dabi getting treated, he walked slowly.

" You made a really stupid choice, you know that?"

" Whadda gonna do? Kill me? heh."

" Well, if it weren't for me, you would have been."

Dabi stayed quite.

Hawks flapped his brightly red lit wings to the medics.

" Leave him, i wanna talk."

They nodded with no argue.

" Heh, see how easy it was for them to move away?"

Hawks kneeled down to Dabi.

" Listen bluey, You're no longer a poor kid driven by trauma, but a full grown nasty villian now."

Dabi scoffed.

" Who said you can title me?"

" Oh i'm not putting a title over your head..........But almost everyone in japan and even the world is!"

Hawks drew closer to Dabis face.

" Tell me, how does it feel to know that no one will bother with you anymore? That even if you scream bloodly for help, no one will come. How does it feel?"


" He may not be the strong damn All Might we all know, but surely one action will make you be hated by everyone you meet. Good luck Dabi, you're basically on all for one's level now."

Hawks then got up and waved for the medics to go back to what they were doing.

Dabi might never see the light of day anymore.


Enji sat beside Yagi as he slept peacefully.
His bright yellow hair was faded. And his eyes sunken.

"The knife was surely in a dangerous place.
But he'll live..........poor thing, his body has been through so much, anymore of this and he might not get up again."

Enji's sighed. How tiring it must be.

*knock* *knock*

" Red? It's me, Hawks."

Enji looked back at Yagi, kissing him on the forehead he got up and walked to the door.

" Wow, uhh, How is he?"

" Not good, but he'll live."

" You look like shit."

Right now wasn't the best time for jokes like that to come around.

" Come on, The doctors need to take care of him anyway, and besides you need to have a chitchat with your a *ahem* son."

Enji looked at Hawks and grunted. He began to walk away from him and out of the hospital.

" I'll take that as a yes."




There you go! Feeling any better? probably not......I'm sorry Yagi, this isn't the life i'd thought i'd lead you, but.......you did so great! you were amazing, and if i were still alive, i'd brag to everyone that you, yes you, were my student, my  successor.

But your time isn't done, not yet, you'll see me soon, but not yet. i refuse for you to die before gran torino,

Keep living, you might not be All Might anymore, But you're still Yagi!

Yagi Toshinori!

Sorry ya'll, for making you guys wait, has been a hard month for me TwT but i'm glad to pull around a chapter for you! hope ya like it!

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