Chapter 4

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Toshinori pov

" WHAT?!"
yup, that's what I had expected.
" How the hell are we supposed to get back?!" Enji yelled
I walked over to where I made the tree fly and looked over to the direction it came from.
" we can start walking over here, it might be best since before i hit the tree thats where we came from right?" I smiled over to him.
I watched him cross his and give a grunt. Me knowing Enji, he's telling me that he hm to lead the way.

We kept walking among the moons gaze until we got to the broken tree.
"This must be where I hit the tree, where were we before that?" I slid past the tree and kept looking around. Everything looked the same. Tree, grass, sky, all of it. Nothing looked as if it were giving me a clue to where we were before hand.  I heard Enji give a hard sigh. " If we can't find our way back, we might as well sleep the night, it would be better if it were day." Enji sat down and put his back against the same broken tree.
I went of to grab some sticks and formed a pile. I sat down against the tree that was opposite from Enji, I placed it down in between us.
" As much as you'd like too, I would not like to freeze to death. Would you please light it on fire?"  I looked at Enji with a smug face, all he did was roll his eyes and lit a fire without any abjections. " Thank you." I gave him a smile and warmed myself up a little bit.
I wasn't exactly too tired, so I just watched the fire play and dance against the cool wind.
I should've just stayed home, Gran torino is going to kick my ass for doing this. I groaned as I let my hand hold my head up. Maybe living in the woods won't be so bad, I'm sure I'll be fine.
" No you won't"  I head snapped upwards as I heard the unknown voice.
"Who's there?" I asked out loud.
Enji caught the alarming look on my face. "What is it? What did you hear?" Enji asked as he was getting ready to get up. " I heard someone, like they read my mind." I explained to him.
"What did it say?" He asked as he was, as always, ready for battle.
"Why would you replace me like this? Toshinori?" I jumped up from my place of where I sat and was now completely uncomfortable. " Did it speak to you again? Whats it saying?" Enji wanting to know whats going on. " What do you mean 'replace you'? I didn't replace anyone!" I said out loud. As I was waiting for an answer Enji was losing patience. " Is this some kind of joke your trying to do? If so, its pretty fucking stupid." Enji said, letting his guard ease a little. " No! I swear I can hear them talking to me!" I yelled, now completely taken out of my comfort zone. " I could've been useful.......I've could've been loved and cherished by you.............did you not know I was there?
Did you not think to even use me until now?
Every word that was coming into my head was if it was trying to burn itself into there. Creating an unimaginable burning sensation to my head. I put both hands on my head trying to concentrate and not let the pain take over me. " What the hell's wrong with you?" Enji walked over to me. " I........don't...........k-know...."
You replaced me! With that thing you call a quirk! I was always there! You never took the time to really look and see!
I heard the anger in the voice start to rise, causing the pain to spread itself through my body. I dropped to my knees still holding my head in the process  "Goawaygoawaygoawaygoaway!"
Enji flew to my side, trying to see what was wrong, but nothing he could see was giving him any clue of what was happening.

" What the fuck YAGI?!"

My eyes flew open with surprise as I heard my name, the name I have yet to hear in so long, my given name.
I looked over to him, confusion exposed all over my face.
" What did you say?" I stared at him, the pain that I once had felt, easing itself away from my body.
"What do you mean? I said your name!"







Enjis pov

I have no fucking clue whats happening to him, I say his name, and all of the sudden he past out! As far as anyone can tell, there's definitely something wrong, obviously.
But what, one second he's hearing voices and the next second he's on the ground filled with pain. I've never felt this sort of worry for him, but by God's, he was freezing! I guess even lighting the fire didn't really do much for him. I picked him up with his arm over my shoulder, and sat him down right next to me.
I have a fire quirk, even though we're rivals, I can't really have him dying on me, not on my watch at least.
As I sat him next to me, I let him rest on my shoulder, letting the heat from my body rise just a little, I'll burn him in the morning.
As I just sat there in the night, I looked over to toshi. His face looked the most peaceful when he was asleep. Not full of pain and anger. What did really happen to him? With everything that is happening he has only peaked my interest and confusion even more than he would've liked.
I felt his body tremble with each passing breeze.
I rolled my eyes and put my shoulder over him this time. If he dies, I don't really feel like being the reason why.
If he gets closer to my body heat, he should more than warm enough.
I layed my head back and just continued to look upwards, tomorrow I should ask him of whats going on. I can't have him freak out and talk to himself if I ever want to beat him on being the top. It might be easy if I had left him the way he is. But now? This is different, this whole situation is different. I don't care what I have to do in order to get the truth out, because now, I want to know whats happening to him. This time you can take this as me caring. He'd be lucky if he chooses the right choice once tomorrow comes, because of he chooses the hard way, oh heh, I'll make sure that everything he does will be hard for him.
Make the right choice Toshinori, you might regret it if your stubborn ass doesn't.


Hey look! Back from the dead I see!
Anyway, I hope you can think of whats wrong with yagi, it might be a little bit of PTSD that yagi has. Anyway, see you in later!

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