B.S Chapter 3

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Yagi walked through the door a bit shaken by how the place looked once he got back.

"Enji?! Jesus what happen?!"

He heard loud thumping and crashes in the house. " YAGI?!"

His heart was going to thump outta his chest. He was happy to see him. Like, this is the most genuine smile he has ever seen from the red head.

" Oh my God! I can't believe that happened!"

" What happened? Whys the house this way?"

" That bitch Toga villain tried to pretend to be you! She was very bad at it."

" Wait really?! Are you ok?"

" I'm fine! But she sure hell isn't, I wasn't able to catch her but I did leave her limping out of this place."

That sentence left Yagi a bit scared.

" Did you..."

" Did I what?"

" Y'know..."

" What?"


" Yagi what are you talking about?"



( A/N: Give him a minute, he'll get there.)



" Enji...?"


" Oh thank fuck, even if she's a villain she could black mail you for almost being a pedophile."

Yagi hugged Enji tightly.

" How'd you know it wasn't me?"

Enji scratched his head in irritation.

" You didn't cough up any blood at all, you wouldn't kiss me at all, you kept you distance from me, and you scar just seemingly disappeared!"

Yagi chuckled by how distress Enji sounded. He grabbed his hand and kissed him on the lips.

" Luckily thats not true."

A deep chuckled was heard from the red head. Yagi laughed too, but he wasn't feeling sexy time just yet, not until this house was up and running once again and not looking like a party was thrown.

During the time they cleaned, it gave Yagi time to think, sweeping, putting things away. Washing dishes, mopping the floor, cleaning the table.

The rage and screeching from rei bothered him so much. He didn't know how to put it.
It was like a black and red shadow that just hated him. Even though something like that is nothing new. He's been hated before, but she hated him for another reason. Not because of the theories of him being a hero for money. But because he infiltrated a family. A family he had nothing to do with.

" so, that's why she hates me."

They both stopped what they were doing.

" Oh, I didn't mean to say that outloud."

Enji face stayed neutral, until he gave those words more thought.

"I'm sorry Yagi, most of that is my fault."

Yagi's body held a bit of excitement, was Enji going to tell him about this family's past? Or tell him something else?

" When.......you dumped me, long ago.
I just.......got so angry that you chose success over our love. So I thought, if I got above you, a higher level then you,  you'd regret your decision and come back to me."

Toshi sat quietly when Enji gestured to come over to him.

" I went over board..........by a land slide.
I basically bought Rei, when she had the quirk i was looking for, I bought her from her parents and basically owned her. " Enji talked slow, calm.

Toshi gulped as he listened to Enjis side of the story.

" I was very abusive back then with her and the kids. I was so engulfed by rage it was sicking."

Toshi was starting to feel a twisted sick feeling in his stomach.

" I ruined her future of being a hero, and I caused these kids a lot fo hate and pain. But, when I bought her, she wanted to be a great mother, and an amazing wife for me. Thats all she wanted if being a hero wasn't the option. But when I ran her dry and divorced her, just to be with you, I can see why'd she be angry."
Enji sighed.

Toshi was going to be sick, was this really all his fault? All this pain and suffering, because of him?

" So he was right...."

" What? Toshi?"

" Dabi kidnapped me Enji, just to tell me to leave you, i.......I see more clearly now..."  Toshi was heart broken.

" WHAT?! Yagi?!"

" I caused so much pain, to all of you.....everyone on this family could've been happy!"

" And this family wouldn't exist if it weren't for you!"

Yagi stayed silent.

" Yagi please, most of this is my fault, you don't control my actions!"

" But I'm the reason you resorted to such acts!"

" So!? It was a misconception! We couldn't possibly be in a relationship back then! It would've been too dangerous for the both of us! Please Yagi! Don't make me go through that again! I need you, your everything to me! So what if people don't like it? I love you! Please understand..."

Yagi stayed silent. Very silent.

He loved Enji so much, and seeing to go to such a solution made him weak.
Basically pleading for Yagi to stay.

" Please yagi! Don't make me go through that again!"


He felt shameful, a disgrace.

" Whatever your thinking stop thinking it..."

Yagi only looked Enji in the eyes.

" Please? Just.......stay with me.....?"


Enji hugged him tightly with a shaky breath.

" Son of a bitch you scared me.....don't do that shit ever again, Jesus!"

Yagi laughed lightly.

" I'll make note to that."

In the darkness he stood. Right in the balcony he watched the two.

" Hmmmm, seems i have to take more dire actions in order to break them."

He jumped from side to side to see twice in his place.

" hey Dabi.....what exactly am I doing again?"

" I need you to make a copy of Endeavor, should be easy right? But, make sure he's mean, VERY mean."

Twice saluted to Dabi.

" Sure thing Dabi!"

" not right now though. Wait for my say.
For now let's just head back to the base."


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