Chapter 1

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Toshi pov

I wanted to help her........ I wanted to show her.......... I wanted......i wanted be here. But, that's not what I got was it? Instead I was pushed away from her and watched her death. If i was strong enough I could've at least help try to save her...

I could rewatch the moment of her death over and over in my head till I probably go mad. The bright light that came to past till I woke up again that day. Just remembering the smile she gave me....why couldn't she at least let me HELP?!-

* BEEP* *BEEP* * BEEP* ( Oh God the alarm clock.)

I jolted upwards on my bed sitting up breathing heavily. My back ached and my throat felt dry. I quickly turned off the alarm clock and stretched. I can already feel a few tears starting to form from my dream. I quickly wipe them away, knowing that crying won't help me in anyway. Once I was done stretching I grabbed a few pairs of clothes and started to head down to the dorm showers.

Once I was done takeing a shower I put on my clothes along with my favorite hoody. Once I was done with that, i had went back up the stairs and into the kitchen ready to make some eggs for myself.

I went into the fridge and grabbed the eggs, but while I was in the middle of that i felt eyes just stare at me for no real reason. When I had looked over to see what or who it was, it was just Nemuri. " Oh, Hey Nemuri!" I said putting on a fake smile. Nemuri just looked and blinked at me for a few seconds till she responded back. " Hi Toshi." She said walking towards me. I was already cooking the eggs when she came in.

Maybe she only came because she smelled food.

" Doing anything today?" Nemuri asked. " No, not really, i didn't plan on doing anything today." I said plainly. " You wouldn't mind coming with me, Yamada and Aizawa to the park would you?" I ate the eggs right out of the pan. " Not at all. It would give me something to do then stay here." I smiled with a scrambled omelet half way in my mouth. " Good!" Nemuri said while picking a piece of egg from the pan and eating it.
" Because I have an idea!" Nemuri
Stated. I looked up at her waiting to hear what she wanted to say. " I was thinking of going into the woods right next to the park and just explore what could possibly be in there!" Nemuri cheered.
I almost choked on the rest of the eggs when she finished her sentence. " Are you sure about that Nemuri ? I mean that forest is Huge! Who's knows what'll happen? We could get lost any second!" I said with a concerned look. " Calm your panties Toshi, I'm not that stupid! We could just make a trail with something so we don't get lost!" Nemuri said with a smile. " Alright then, fine I'll go." I sighed with a hint of tiredness. " Yay!" Numeri cheered. That cheer sounded like she was up to something more then just having a "fun" time in the forest. " Oh boy....what did I just get myself into?" I said to myself, still watching Numeri cheer with glee. " Uhh, Numeri? What time do you want me to be there? And where do we meet?" I questioned. That's when Numeri stoped cheering and looked at me with a smirk. " we will meet in front of the gates of UA. Make sure your wearing something that'll keep you warm." I looked at her puzzled. " Why? It's going to be sunny outside isn't it?" I asked her looking even more confused. " Nope!" Numeri stated. " Cause we are going to go to the woods at Night!" Numeri smiled a evil grin. This time I think I choked on my own spit. " What?!" I yelled. " Thats insane!" Numeri covered her ears. " No it not! We'll be fine. Besides who says we can't use our quirks when we're in danger and no hero is around?" Numeri said acting as if trying to prove a point. " The law...?" I whispered. " Nope! Not even the law!" Numeri smiled proudly. There was no way of me getting out of this is there? Once I say that I'm going i can never change my mind. " Alright then..." I say knowing that whatever I say to try and change her mind it will never work. " Alright then!" Numeri smiled more. " But also be sure to bring stuff with you just in case we do actually get lost." " What?!" " Nothing! Just be sure to bring stuff with you!" Numeri said while walking off to her room and closing the door. Might as well pack a few things I say to myself while walking back to my room. When I get to my room I go to get my bookbag i put just one pair of clothes in there, bug spray, some cleaning wipes, ( dont ask) some food, a long with my phone, and portable charger. " Well thats all set. " I say to myself. I look at the time and see that it was only 2:30pm ( wow time flies) not a few more hours till it starts to get dark. So i lay down on my bed. Knowing if i went to go train I would be too tired and beat up to even be able to go with Numeri and the others. So this is like one day off huh? I say drifting off back to sleep. I don't think it'll that bad. Is the last thing I thought before going back to sleep.
Enji pov

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