Chapter 2

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Toshi pov

At first we tried to walk our way out.( went in circles.) Then it was climbing a tree. ( yamada only saw trees)
Then it was calling for help. ( No one heard us)
To be honest, it wasn't hard to tell who was freaking out and who wasn't.  Numeri and yamada should've been related to eachother, because other than me, they were being the loudest.
" umm, what if we tried to prepare for the night?" I suggested. " Are you CRAZY?! STAY THE NIGHT?!? Who knows the crazy animals that could be living in these parts of the woods?!" Numeri shouted. * sigh* " Could you at least stop shouting? You panicking isn't helping any of us." Enji said annoyed
" Stop shouting?! OH PLEASE!! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" Numeri shouted.
I covered my ears as the shouting continued to only get worst.
I looked over at Aizawa and singled him to start getting things ready.

( 15 minutes later)

Everything was ready, luckily enough i brought a tent for this type of situation. And Aizawa had brought only 3 more sleeping bags, so one of us will have to share.
Numeri and Enji have settled, and yamada had help us with the tent.
" Ok, now that everything is ready, all we need is one more thing!" I say as looked over at enji.
He already knew what i was going to say, and went over to the pile of sticks and set it on fire. " Thanks, todoroki!" I smiled.
He only gave me a grunt.
" Well, now that everything is settled, let's figure out this sleeping bag situation." Numeri said as she setted them down.
" You and yamada should share, you two are practically siblings." Enji suggested. " I suppose that's true, but he sleep talks! I wouldn't want to hear that!" Numeri complained. " Well thats just to bad, me and toshinari have bigger body structures than the rest of you, we both couldn't share even if it was possible." Enji growled.
" It is true, i wouldn't want them tearing up the only sleeping bags i have. " Aizawa said slowly.
Numeri mumbled as she grabbed the green sleeping bag and walked into the tent. " I guess that settles it." Enji huffed.
I grabbed the blue one as Enji grabbed the orange one.
We all found a way to fit ourselves  into the tent. Everyone had went to sleep but me. Mainly because I couldn't, or...i just refused too. I got out from my warm sleeping bag and walk out of the tent to meet a cool breeze. Sometimes I liked to sit out and just watch the sky and every beautiful thing it had to offer during the night. I had only wish that the nighttime wasn't the most dangerous time to be outside. So i can just sit and watch, without having to worry.
A silly thought, huh?
I sat myself right by a tree and just starred. If only Nana was still here to watch the sky with me.
I shifted a little when I heard a noise coming from the tent. Maybe some one woke up? Or maybe someone just moving in their sleep?
I saw the tent unzip and that answered my question.
Enji walked out of it and just gave me a some what surprised stare.
" What are you doing up?" Enji questioned.
" I couldn't sleep." I plainly answered. Enji didn't reply afterwards. Just got out of the tent completely and sat next to me.
" I know you're lying. You almost never had any trouble when it came to sleeping." Enji looked over at me.
" How do you know? You never even watched me go to sleep." I said a little annoyed.
" Not true. Back at the dorms, i would only have to wait about 5 minutes, till you're knocked out completely by training." Enji hissed back at me.
" Alright! Fine! I refuse to go to sleep!" I said with my anger slowly rising. I lay my head against my arm, just so I don't have to look at Enji in the face. " Why?" Enji growled.
I'm not just going to tell him why!
Why is he acting as if he cares? Is this some sort of joke just to get to my weakness and supass me and become the no.1 hero?! I might act like one, but what kind of idiot does he really take me for?!
" That is none of your damn business. Now, could you leave me alone?" I snapped at him with anger dripping at every word I said.  Enji, of course, didn't take that shit as any type of answer.
He picked me up and slammed me against the tree. " Listen here Yagi, I'm not here just so I can take any sort of bullshit from you, I'm still here because your bitch of a friend refuses to let me leave on my own, instead forces me to be stuck with you and your other fithly pathetic friends!" Enji had yelled at me, even though he was still talking at a whisper. " Now, you either answer my question on your own, or, make me force the answer out of you." Enji had said licking his lips.
I shivered at the words he said. But I still couldn't understand why he wants to know so badly. " Why? Why do you want to know so badly? You hate me! Why are you asking me and wanting to know about me? Why are you asking as if you really expect me to believe that YOU CARE?!" 
I...punched him...........i don't know what came over me, but all I know is that i 100% believe that i used 100% of one for all. I didn't mean to hurt him, i just got so.......angry.
Before Enji can even attack me back, I ran off.
Jumped onto a tree and just sat there.
Too much shit is going on in one night.
I laid myself against the trunk and let my body take over.
I past out before I could see Enji charging towards me.
" Goodnight....."

Hoi! Hoi!
Another chapter done! Didn't take long. Just thought i should take a break from my other stories.
Anyway, that's all I have to say.
Bye bye!
~ Ňøŕå Fåłľš

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