chapter 9

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Enjis pov

No, we are not going to 'do it' in the forest. That's nasty, though it is possible. He could just ride me till he can no longer move, but we'll do that once we get back. "Hn!" I never knew someone that is almost as built as me could make the cutest moans.
I nipped and kissed at his neck, I've been waiting to do this for so long.
I lifted my hands under his shirt and saw him take a deep breath in. Guess I could tease him a bit.
" you don't get as much human contact with others, do you?" I whispered in his ear as I worked my hands up his shirt more. " N-no..." he whimpered.
" Good, I suppose I can pleasure you more easier than I thought." I put one hand on his waist and the other on his chest. " P-pleasure?" He held the back of my shirt a little bit. God he's so sensitive. " You're only gonna get what I am able to give, if we weren't outside right now, you'd be trying your hardest not to scream." He trembled at the words I said to him. I started to get my hands into work. If it weren't for the rain he'd be completely on the floor.
I was leaving hickeys everywhere around his body. First his neck, then his chest, arms, back, even his wrist. The only places I couldn't go, were the places I so desperately wanted to get into. Every moan, whimper, and cry that came from his mouth was driving me fucking insane. He was able to leave a few scratches and hickeys on my neck and back, but I wasn't satisfied. I'll never be satisfied, not until I'll be able to.Make.Him.Scream.
" AH! ENJI!" Toshi yelled me name. He held the back of my shirt tightly as I began to register what i did. I slid my hand through his pants holding his bare ass. No. No. No. No. No.
" E-Enji?" I looked down to him. " What is it?"
" its okay if you want to, just not the actual thing yet, is it alright if we wait till we get back for that?" Toshi was giving me the okay to finger him?
( A/N: it is confirmed that I'm going to hell.......) " Wait, are you sure? I don't want to push it." I nervously stated.
Toshi nodded. " is my first time after all......" Toshi buried his face in my neck. " J-just do it, please, don't make me wait any longer!"
I was completely going off the grid. I was losing all of my sanity and sense of thought.
I pulled his pants down more so I can get a better entry way than just doing it while he still has his pants on. " Are you ready? This is you're final warning." I covered my fingers in spit and along with his entrance. All Toshi gave me was a little nod, and I went right in.
I dont know about you, but he was taking the pain like a fucking pro.
He sucked in his breath as i added the second, then the third. God i wish I could just fuck him right here, but that'll leave a mess for us to clean and I don't have extra clothes. ( A/N: SIKE, yall coming with me) " Ah~ nnnggghhh, Enji!!!" Bingo. Found his prostate. I started to thrust my fingers in and out of him, and he was going crazy.
" Good to know that I'll be the first, Yagi." I started to go faster and faster, till his back was so arched and drool was coming out of his mouth. I covered his mouth, knowing that he might scream and went as fast as my fingers could go. His muffled voice was all I could hear I just kept on going, not caring how tired my arm was. But then I saw him take my hand away and screamed. " S-STOP!!!" I immediately stopped what I was doing, Taking my fingers out in the process. He was trying to catch his breath so he could speak. " T-too........m-much..."
Shit, I knew I'd go to far. " Shit, I'm so sorry!" Toshi turned to me with small tears in his eyes. I felt terrible.
I pulled Toshi close to me and started to clean him up a bit with my shirt. Since I always have a sweater on, no one will notice. " Thank you." Toshi sighed still sitting on my lap. " For what?" I turned over to him, but he was already starting to fall asleep. Fair enough.
I picked him up and began walking back to the cave.
Once I got back Nemuri was still awake and the other two were blushing like maniacs. " What happend here?" I asked setting my self down while still having Toshi in my arms.
" Well, I caught these two, trying to get it on while I was away." Nemuri pointed at both of them. I saw the hickeys that were implanted on both of their necks, they must've had a lot of fun. " Speaking of which, Enji....." i saw Nemuri scoot infront of me and Toshi and pointed at his neck and then mine.
" looks like they aren't the only ones Ho-hooooooooooooooo HOLY SHIT!!!" Nemuri had picked up Toshis shirt and saw all the shit that I did to him.
" Wait!" She scooted once more behind me. " You didn't....." she saw the scratches on my back. " We didn't, he's just very sensitive." I scoffed at her.
" Oh thank God, that would've been nasty." She scooted back to her place.
" But good news is that i found an exit to the forset, we'll leave at dawn since we can't see shit out in the dark.
" Wait how do you know?" I asked.
" Well, while all four of you were making love, I walked around the place a little bit, and found an exit that leads to the side of UA." Nemuri pointed to the direction that we should be going.
" So hopefully, once we get there ya can take a shower then just fuck in the dorm rooms." She laid her head back once more on the floor of the cave.
" Goodnight everyone, oh and Enji?" I looked over to her. " If I see or hear something that screams ' my ass is sore' I'm don't care how I'll do it, but I'm beating your ass." She happily said turning her back to me. Well shit.
Hopefully it doesn't hit him too hard tomorrow morning.

" Enji I'm going to fucking kill you."
I tried my hardest to not laugh my ass off as I heard Toshi move bit by bit.
" Aww, why? I didn't do anything!" Toshi gave me a death glare as he got off of my lap. He flinched as he planted his ass on the floor. It was still early, judging by how the sun was beginning to rise. " Why did I give you permission?!? I should've just waited!" Toshi hissed as he got up on his own two feet and tried to walk without looking like there's a pencil up his ass.
" Hahaha! You look ridiculous!" I laughed at him. He just started to walk around more and more in circles, i was Hella surprised when he started to walk normally within just a few minutes.
" I dislike you." He scoffed as he sat back down. " Aww, don't worry, you won't be able to walk once we get back." I put my hands on his waist and pulled him close. " Actually..." i shook Nemuri awake. " Oi, wake up, i wanna get out of here already." I kept shaking her. " Alright, alright, I'm up!" She shooted me away as she was getting up.
" Oi! You, Yamada! Wake up! We're getting out of here!" Nemuri slapped both Aizawa and Yamada on the top of the head. They both groaned as they got up from their sleeping bags. " Finally I'm tired of the out doors." Aizawa sighed as he got up and started to put his stuff away. Toshi went to go pick up his bag, his walk was as normal as it could get, but Nemuri was taking extra precautions. She runs up behind Toshi and slaps him on the ass. " OUCH! NEMURI!!!" Toshi yelled in pain.
" Why did you do that?!" He said while rubbing his ass. Nemuri looked over to me, then looked back at Toshi. " Yup, that ass is solid!" Nemuri laughed.
Oh that fucking hag.

A few minutes has past and everyone was ready. " Lead the way Nemuri!" Toshi stated while tightly holding his bag. " Alright! This way!" Nemuri pointed.
We kept on walking past trees and grass, and even saw a few bunnies and deer. Toshi wanted to keep a bunny but I told him no. We were getting closer to a clearing, hopefully like Nemuri said, will lead to the side of UA. Rushing cars and people yelling, yup, we're here.
We all ran out of the forest and took in the air. The wall of the side of UA was standing as tall as ever. "TOSHINORI!!!"
Gran torino was just down the corner of the UA wall. I looked over back at Toshi and he was gone. He was running for his life. " GET BACK HERE, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS?!" Gran torino was after his ass.
He sped off after Toshi and we began to walk back into the UA dorms.

" Alright, I'm sorry!!!" Toshi got into the dorm and shut the door. " Gran torino is so mean!" Toshi whined as he slid into the dorm showers. He took off his shirt, pants, everything. " Ahhh, the water feels so nice!" Toshi ran into the shower and closed the curtain. I took my own time in the shower, just looking at what Toshi put on my skin.
I'm looking forward to seeing more damage after tonight.
"'re room.after you're done." I demanded as I took my towel and dried myself. " Got it?" " Y-yeah, the key to my dorm room should be right by my clothes." Toshi sighed as he pointed to the neatly folded clothes.
" Thanks, see you in a bit." I grabbed the keys and walked out. " See you in a bit..."

AHHHHHHHHHHHH, I CAN'T. We are all going to hell! Me for writing it and you for taking the time out to read it!!!! Oh have mercy on me soul.
Anyway hoped you enjoyed. Be ready for the next chapter! It should be the last one!

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