chapter 5

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Toshi's pov

I forced my eyes open once I felt a sudden warmth to my skin. I didn't think that I would feel so comfortable for once. I tried to go back to sleep, but realizing that I was still in the woods said otherwise. I forced myself up and accidentally pushed Enji over.



I looked at Enji now just realizing that he was the thing I was laying on, but why?
" Good morning." Enji said with his voice sounding raspy as ever. Letting the topic off of my head, I said good morning to him as well.
"What happen to me last night? Did I pass out?" I looked at him with confusion. " Well you could say that. You were holding your head in pain, then you just passed out." Enji said, starting at the fire.
" Why did that happen though? You said you heard a voice what did it say?" Enji said looking over to me this time.

I took a minute to think, I dont remember much. The thing that struck out to me the most was the voice saying that I replaced it with One For All, how does it know One For All? " Well, I uhh....." i was trying to think of a lie.
" Well? What?" Enji said keeping his voice low. " It said that I replaced it? That I never used it until now? That I could've been happy and treasured it? I- I don't know what it's trying to tell me." I said rubbing my eyes a little bit.

Enji had gotten up from his place.
"Just, stay down, don't push yourself too much. You might hurt yourself again."
I looked at Enji with confusion, but still its too early in the morning to fight so i listen, and stayed put.

Aizawa's pov




One night, just for one night, can they not try to run off and do shit?!
I get up and grab the abandoned sleeping bags. I wasn't all that worried about them, since they are one of the tops students in UA, I think they can handle themselves.
The thing is, these two fuckers can't.
Nemuri was the first to notice that the tall ass wipes were gone, there were some burned spots around trees and some spots that looked absolutely destroyed. Explains a lot about them.
Funny thing is, I did hear some muffled yelling for Toshi. I couldn't tell what he was saying, but i did think it wasn't such a good idea to intervene. I might stop both of their quirks, but those two know how to put up a fight until their dying breath. I only know how to stop a qurik for two minutes.

As we were packing everything, I decided that following the path of broken shit, that it would lead us to the others. Nemuri and Yamada agreed, each other a few of Toshi's stuff.
"Jebus, what does Toshi even got in here?!" I heard Yamada yell from behind me. Jebus? Must be from something he watched. " Its better if you wait till we find him and his friend, so like that he can show us what he has." "But why?! We have his stuff right here!" Yamada playfully put the bag down patting it.
"No Yamada, looking through someone's things without permission can easily make them lose trust in you. And to be completely honest, I've never seen Toshi hurt before, and it pretty unsettling thinking about it."
"I know that, but what if he doesn't find out? We don't even know where they are! They could be anywhere! They could've even left us! " Yamada said, trying to sound dramatic. " Now I for one think that's a lie, Toshi is too kind hearted to leave his friends behind! Though I do think Enji doesn't have any friends, there for, he leaves everybody."
Nemuri said crossing her arms.
I tried to block their arguing out of my head, like I usually do when they try talking to me and I don't want to make a conversation.
" Yamada no-"

Things fell out of Toshi's bag.
Nothing out of the ordinary was there.
His phone, a water bottle, extra clothes, some letters and- wait...
I picked up the letters from the floor, there was 3 letters in total.
Each were for Toshi, but from who?

To: Toshinori, Yagi
From: ?????

I never left you....

The name was scratched off, I can't read the name at all. Its like he tore it off, leaving no trace from who it was.
I looked at the next letter.

To: Toshinori, Yagi
From: ?????

Please forgive me....

Again, the name was scratched off, couldn't read the name at all. I looked at the next letter.

To: Toshinori, Yagi
From: ?????


This letter looked a bit more tattered from the rest. More in a rush to get something done, even the words were a bit scrambled, a little bit unreadable.

"What do think this is?" Yamada asked while looking at the letters.
" I don't know, but we should really just be minding our business. This has nothing to do with us, and we should just leave Toshi alone till he's ready to talk." I said grabbing his stuff and putting it back in his bag.
" Hey, look at this."
" Nemuri I swear to god-"
She pushed a golden plate in front of my face, it was something interesting to look at, it was detailed to have a few dents and scratches on it. It looked like it had been cleaned a few times. I took it from Nemuri and flipped it over.
It said a name...

Nana Shimura

I wonder who that is, but yet again, this isn't ours and we shouldn't be messing with this.
" You guys really don't understand the word of privacy, do you?" I put the golden plate back in the bag along with his stuff and the letters.
" Oh, come on! What about the letters? Can't we read a little bit of it?"
I glared at Yamada. " No, we are not, from now on, I'm holding his stuff, I don't think i trust you with other peoples things." I held his bag tight as we continued on looking for the others.
I couldn't seem to get the letters out of my head, it was taunting me.
Who can they be from? And why did he bring it with him? I know I said no to this, ugh, I'm not going to hear the end of it with these two.
I reached into his bag and pulled the letters out once more.
" OH, so now you wanna look at them?" Yamada said behind me.
All three said the same thing.
But where's the date to this?
I flipped them over a few times till the date was at the very corner of the letters.




All of these were just 2 weeks old.
And they don't look like they have ever been opened.
And we celebrated Toshi's birthday, we were all there. When did he get this if we were all there that day?
I wanted to see what it said but, you know, I can't do that to him.

I put the letters back once more.
Toshinori what are you hiding?
You seem like such a happy person.
Someone that looked like they couldn't be struck down by anything even if they tried.
We kept walking till we saw a broken tree, we only one person thats strong enough to do that.

They must be this way then....

Hoi hoi! Hope you enjoyed!
Took a long time, but here you go!
Chapter 6 may be a little long to come out, but hopefully sooner than I hope.

Bye bye!


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