Chapter 6

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Toshi's pov

To be completely honset, Enji was acting very weird.
He was always next to me, are trying to help.
Not that I don't appreciate it, its just, he would never think to even give me a pencil. Whats going on? I saw Enji emerge from the trees with fish in his hands. He looked a bit scratched up, but he'll be fine.

" Well, i found some fish for us to eat, i already cooked it."
Enji placed it on a big leaf and gave it to me. " Uh, thanks." I tried not to sound like I'm confused of what he's doing.
" What?" Enji looked at me while grabbing his own food to eat.
" Nothing." I shoved the fish in my mouth trying not to make eye contact.
" We've known eachother for years, and besides, you're a bad liar." Enji sighed picking at his own food.
Still keeping away eye contact, I stayed quite for the most time while we ate.
After we were done, I got up from my place and stretched. Enji took the leaf from me and dropped it in with the fire.
"Better than smelling burned wood." He stared at the fire. He put his hand in it, unfazed by it, and took some out from the place it was put in.

He played with it for a little bit, being careful not trying to light anything on fire around him. " Still not gonna tell me whats going on? Its just me and you here." He said from behind me. I had my back turned to him. Not wanting to really look at him. " If you think I'm going to use whatever you tell me against you, you are mistaken. I might be a bully to you, but I am not a monster." I heard him shift from his place behind me, coming closer towards me.
" Just tell me whats going on, if we are going to be rivals, we at least have help eachother every once in a while." Enji whispered getting closer to me.
I turned around looking face to face with him. I felt his breath against my face, my body started to tense up more just to see him gaze at me.
" have to share something about your self too. Its only fair." I said crossing my arms.
" Fine." He moved away from me and sat down in the floor.
I joined him.
" So, what's going on with you?"
I fatigued with my fingers a little bit as I took a deep breath in.
" It started when my master died a month ago..." I saw Enji's eyes widen a little bit of what I said, but gave me a nod to continue.
" She was like a mother to me, I've only known her for a few years. I had no clue that I would lose her so soon..."
I fought back the tears as the faint memory of me being pulled away from her, as I was brutally forced to witness her death. " I never really had time to spend with my family, I never saw my mom or my dad. They were always somewhere else, and left me if I didn't exist at all............its funny really.......I don't remember them at all.......*hic*............i don't even remember the faced of the women that gave birth to me..." i balled up my fist as I tried my hardest not to cry, I didn't even look up to Enji. He's probably ready to laugh at me or something. Tell me that I'm just being weak, or that ill never grow up. The silence only made things worse as tears began to ran down my face. I hear anything at all come from him, anything at all.

I felt a warm hand on my back to comfort me. " Its ok to cry.....Yagi..." i heard him say softly in my ear.
He pulled me closer to him. " You don't have to continue telling me. But I am sorry for being a dickhead and not giving you the time to explain yourself." I snorted a little bit by his apology.
" Its fine..." I wiped my face a little bit.
" Thank you." I let my head fall onto his shoulder, 'bad idea Yagi, very bad idea! Take your head off! He's gonna kill you in your sleep!' Thats what tiny voice in my head was trying to tell me, but I was to tired to care at the moment at all.
" Don't fall asleep now! We still have to find the others!" Enji said shaking me a little bit. " Aww but I'm comfortable, you're like a warm pillow." I teased him a little  bit. " Haha very funny...we have to go, don't ruin the moment now." Enji said, trying to remove himself. " Haha! what moment? I don't think there ever was a moment!" I stuck myself onto him, never letting go. This should be fun. " And you wonder why i don't ever show any of my emotions!" Enji laughed as he tried to move away from me. " Let go!!!" " Never!!!"
We started off playful, until it turned into a full on wrestling match.
We kept at it for a while, honestly it was the best I felt in a while. A few minutes later Enji just decided to pull something right out of his ass.
" unhand me you animal!" Enji said in his best British voice.
That shit caught me off guard and I ended up laughing my ass off.
Then in one quick move, I was the one pinned to the floor. But I didn't really care, I was still laughing to not care.
" Now you unhand you beast!" I tried my best British accent. " Never! Now you have to be stuck with me!" Enji growled at me.
I tried my best to get out of his grip but he held me tight and didn't let go.
I started to laugh uncontrollably as I felt his breath against my neck.
" P-......please....let me GO! HAHAHAHA!"

" Awwwwwww"

Both of us froze immediately as we heard the uncomfortablely familiar voice.
" Since when did you two started to date? You both look so cute together!"
I started to realize the position we were both in. Enji was holding me down, in between my legs and his head in my neck.

Oh no......

Awww, well isn't this cute?
Well, I had a lot of time on my hands, so I Decided to write the next chapter! I hope you guys enjoy!

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