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"what's your favourite thing
about the rain?"
"what's your favourite thing
about the rain?"
he met her eyes for a
moment, she looked back
with pure interest and awe.

"that's a dumb question",
he replied looking back
over the balcony they sat

"well", she started, shifting
slightly closer to him. he
tried not to notice. "i love
the sound. it's so pretty.
can something sound
pretty? i'm not sure, but if it
could, rain does."

he turned his eyes slightly
to his right, she sat
mesmerized by the rain.
her skin glowed softly in
the moonlight, and her eyes
were entrancing. the way
her nose was perfectly
pointed and her lips were
perfectly parted. the way
her hair blew back in the

thunder sounded softly in
the distance. he took a
deep breath.
"rain is odd. i mean it's
chaotic but peaceful.
pleasant but irritating at
times. it's beautifully
disorganized and i have
never experienced
anything quite like rain, and
i never wanted to. and then
i met you. you are rain. so i
guess i could say my
favourite thing about rain is

he was surprised at what
he said and, clearly, by her
yet again wide eyes and
dropped jaw, she was too.

he wanted to take it back
almost immediately. go
inside and pretend it never

he positioned himself to
get up, but right before he
could push himself to his
feet she flung her arms
around his neck.

"i love you", she was crying.

now it was his turn to be in awe.


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