16 - Magena, The "Hybrid Expert"

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my character Finally gets a name-

(Deku's pov)

I passed the exam, chosing a silver bell, as it reminded me of Shoucchan's right eye. I returned, noticing Chloe walking back from a familiar girl, the brunette who Musume used to harass sometimes.

"Who was that?" Shinso asked, Chloe showed us her phone, which we only recently got to replace the shattered one. On her screen was a contact page, with the name "Mage", so they're friends now? The group brought me to the mall with them, to buy me a few things, like clothes, Chloe got me a hoodie in Shoucchan's size that she promised she'd convince him to wear occasionally so it'd smell like him. They also got me a phone for emergencies, Shoucchan told his mom about me, so she offered to help him pay for somethings. So he, albeit reluctantly, has extra money. I semi overheard Chloe and Shoucchan talking about how he still needs a part-time job, to pay off "student loans". Maybe I could also try finding some way to earn extra money.

My mind keeps wandering back to the 'incident' torn between the desire to murder Musume, and remembering what happened with Shoucchan. It's hard to keep it cool, remembering the pretty sounds he made. On the offhand it's easy for those thoughts to turn into rage remembering how Musume planned on taking advantage of him herself.

(Chloe's pov)

Once Monday came back around, I was hanging out near the culinary building, before I heard someone in the school kitchen. I peeked inside to find that girl, Mage, and three others, hybrids, baking something.

There was a brunette fox with curly hair, who I could recognize is probably Cora.

A blonde, slightly long haired mouse boy.

And a brunette rabbit girl, I've never been good at remembering their official names.

"how are the cream puffs coming along?" Mage asked the trio.

"it's being held together by the power of our love." the boy insisted.

"and there's not a lot left of that-" the rabbit girl finalized, as the puff seemed to be falling apart.

"Hey!" I greeted, giggling at the trio's antics.

"oh, hey!" Mage turned to look at me, she mentioned having a ferret too the other day, so she has a total of four hybrids. "I'm baking cream puffs, and trying to teach them how to at least put the different parts together." she explained, now that she has a batch assembled, she grabbed a small ladel and drizzled melted chocolate over each, before putting them in the fridge to let the chocolate harden.

"Mind if I watch? I can't cook so I love watching people cook!" I mentioned. she nodded, agreeing. the four of them managed to make a few more batches, none as aesthetically pleasing as the batch Mage made on her own, but they were good enough. they did well for their first time. Chloe loves hybrids as they tend to be really cute, though since they were artificially made in the beginning, that could be intentional.

"Can you come back around afternoon, between classes? the chocolate should harden by then." she asked, I quickly agreed. we both had to go to classes, so we said goodbye, and the hybrids headed home, each already had a bell and weren't on house arrest like their friend.

~(Time skip)~

class let out, my next class was in a little more than an hour, to give students an opportunity to eat something, and I immediately headed to the campus kitchen. she was pulling the different batches of Cream puffs out of the fridge, and arranging them in fancy looking colorful boxes.

"why the pretty boxes?" I asked.

"I'm going into a café business once I graduate, by now i know marketing tactics, if you make it look pretty people are more willing to pay more money for it. it was even proven in a social experiment!" she insisted. "so now I'm just trying to keep the habit" she explained, handing me one of the boxes, I could tell the box itself was personalized, it was vibrant purple in color with minty green polka dots, and a plastic sheet in the top of the lid forming a window to see the what's inside, and the edge of the plastic had a lace like pattern. there was a white ribbon tying it shut, wrapped so that it doesn't obscure the window. I realized the box itself wasn't cardboard, but thin wood, through the window I could see six cream puffs arranged in the box sitting on pastel pink cupcake wrappers.

"I never got to properly thank you for helping with Musume then, and you broke your phone so I wanted to make you something, as an apology" she explained.

"oh! it's fine, she gets on my nerves a lot anyway, can I really have this?" I asked.

"yeah, consider it a gift!" she insisted. we're friends now, she needs better friends than Musume anyway.

I realized several political things about the universe I created, in the form of 'shower thoughts' as I was writing

1. there is a Purist/racist group targeting Hybrids, Musume is likely one of them, it started as a group of attacks on women who volunteered to birth altered children, Thus purist, and as society adapted and started seeing Hybrids as their own type of person, Racist groups formed, hating them for having stained genetics, or simply being freaks of nature as they aren't confined to identifying with one species. a hybrid will always look most like it's mother, a child between a hybrid and a human will have both genes, but will look like it's mother.

2. new type of predator; mix of zoophile and pedophile, people would adopt younger hybrids, in secret, and raise them in secret, keeping them unaware of the outside world, teaching them only how to serve their own interests. bells are a two way street, you prove you know what you must defend yourself from, and you know how to follow the law, so you're free to do whatever you want without supervision. 

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