13 - Assault

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warning; attempted raep

I also realized that everyone calls people by last name;

Chloe was born here so she goes by first name, 

Todo and Shinso moved from Japan, by reflex the group called them by last name

Denki (and Momo) is Japanese but his parents moved to America before he was born

(Todo's pov)

I got to the meeting spot, feeling very nervous, no one appears to be here. Am I too early? I passed the gym back door, suddenly getting grabbed, and dragged into what appeared to be the back room of the gym.

I was pinned against the wall, "you've been playing hard-to-get all month, but I win, how much more do I have to do before you just give in?". I recognized that voice, Musume. "Let's make things more, interesting" she shoved something into my mouth forcing me to swallow it. 

(Chloe's pov)

Midoriya and I returned, heading straight towards the area Todo said he'd be returning from. Midoriya sniffed the air, as we weren't seeing him, and crinkled his nose.

"I smell arousal, do people normally mate during "college"?" He asked, kinda making me worried. 

"Some do, but not here usually. Other than that, can you smell Todo nearby?" I questioned, it must kinda suck to be a hybrid, as with heightened Senses it's probably harder to ignore things that bother you. 

"Bare with me... Shoucchan either is, or is close to the person who's aroused...." He mentioned. "Whoever the fuck, is trying to mate with MY shoucchan"- your mom's a hoe- "is gonna die" he mumbled but I still heard him. If it's Musume harassing Todo again I'll probably just let him. We got behind the gym, noticing the back door is surprisingly unlocked. 

We opened the door to find, sadly I was right, Musume did something Todo doesn't seem fully... Aware? If Midoriya was right earlier then, I can 100% assume Todo got drugged. 

"Is there no such thing are privacy in this campus?!" Musume glared at the two of us. Almost by reflex, I threw my already broken phone at her. Midoriya ran in, grabbing Todo and running, "don't touch him, you freak!" Musume shouted. Midoriya side glared at Musume, only not murdering her because Todo's here. I quickly ran can to grab my COMPLETELY shattered phone.

(Deku's pov) 

Chloe ended up getting stuck fighting with Musume, as the two kept escalating the conflict. So I had to take Shoucchan home on my own, the door was still unlocked from when Chloe came to get me, as she knew we'd be coming right back. I know Humans place a heavy emphasis on getting permission before doing anything to someone else, but Shoucchan seems so uncomfortable. Shouldn't I be able to do something to help him? Shoucchan looks so cute and vulnerable like this.

I ignored the fact that I full well knew that those were all just excuses. This is an opportunity to touch Shoucchan without feeling guilty, and I fully intend to take it- But CHLOE doesn't have to know the truth.

(Chloe's pov)

Musume Finally seemed to notice the Midoriya just kinda flat out left with Todo.

"What the fuck?! You jealous piece of shit, you're literally letting that freak rape Shouto!" Musume accused. 

"Bitch, as if you weren't already trying to rape him-" I glared. 

"Really Chloe? Rape is a man problem, I'm the hottest girl here, Shouto would've enjoyed his time with me. Any man who claims he got 'raped', either A. Was salty that he ended up with an ugly troll B. Was too sissy to be dominant or C. Is making it up for attention, pretending someone would actually want to touch him." Musume insisted. I really want to punch this woman. "Besides, if Shouto really wants to be a dancer of all things, he's going to need a rich girl like me to keep him from living on the streets." She claimed.

I gathered my thoughts together, I'm pretty sure half my braincells died trying to actually make sense of what she just said. "Lemme get this straight-" cuz I'm only partially- "you want.... To be a sugar Mama?" I asked, that was the only thing she said that actually sounded logical in any frame of mind.

"That's not the same!" She insisted, and stormed off, leaving me with acrilic nails lodged into my wrist and ankle. I'm gonna have to get home and get that treated.

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