2 - cat

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(Chloe's pov) 

I started walking over to Shouto's apartment, excited to show him the logo I created for my online store, my major is graphic design, but I don't think Todo remembers. I do art commissions online for money. I walked up the stairs to his apartment and knocked on the door, it took a while for the door to open and during that time I heard a soft and quiet meow. Wait. A mew?? That’s strange. He opened the door, holding a dark green cat in his arms. 

(Deku's pov)

”Aww!! Is that a kitty!! So cute!” there was a girl with blonde hair dyed pink at the ends, her attention immediately turned towards me when my new owner opened the door. I wasn't too sure about her, my owner is the only human I intend to trust at all, she could figure out about my human form and get me thrown out again! He set me down, but I stayed by his leg.

"yes, I found him yesterday, but I don't know what to call him. He didn't have a collar, and the note on the box only really seemed to want him to be left for dead." He told her. That explains why my old owner thought he could keep people from taking me in. 

"That’s horrible!! Poor little guy!" She claimed then kneeled down to me, as I prepared to run back to my new owner's room, she stuck her hand out for me to sniff. It wasn't as slow or as calm as him, but from her scent I could tell she wasn't an immediate threat. So I relaxed, but didn't show any warmth toward her whatsoever.

"that's odd, he got used to me uncannily fast. anyways, What did you need?" He asked.

(Todoroki's pov)

"Oh! I wanted to show you my new logo design!" She claimed. I remembered her commission store online.

"oh! Sure, come in-" I stepped aside gaining a new of protest from the ball of fluff on the ground. She came in with her drawing tablet, and the both of us sat on the couch. The green cat immediately jumping up onto my lap, then staring at Chloe intensely. She turned her tablet on and showed me the logo, smiling brightly.

"oh! That's really good!" I told her before I felt something soft gently but repeatedly poking my face. Chloe noticed fairly quickly.

"Thanks! Aww I think the little guy wants attention" she claimed, and I stared rubbing and softly scratching his ears again. He immediately started purring loudly, Chloe must've took a picture because I heard the telltale click, and I noticed Chloe pointed her phone at us.

"Don’t mind if I draw you two right?" She asked, looking very enthusiastic, already getting out the digital pen to her tablet. 

"go ahead, if you want to." I told her, the cat seemed to be looking at her through the corner of his eye. I was about to stop scratching, but got a mew of disapproval, so I continued scratching. Chloe started drawing the two of us as she said.

"So how have things been with you? Other then this little cutie here" she asked as she drew. 

"not much, I thought of a name for him, but I need a second opinion." I told her. The cat himself seemed to perk up, probably knowing I was talking about him. 

"hm? What is it?" Chloe looked over at me.

"his fur is dark green, so I was thinking of calling him Midoriya." I told her. Midoriya himself seemed overly excited about having a name finally. 

"I like it! Very cute for a little green cutie!" She claimed, agreeing. I heard something ding in the kitchen, probably the electric kettle. I gave Midoriya a kiss on the head before setting him on the couch to go get the Tea.

(Deku's pov) 

I snapped out of my elation to notice, Shouto had gone into the other room. I quickly jumped down from the couch, running to follow him, but I crashed into the coffee table.

"Aww are you ok?" She came over, Rolling me into my stomach. I didn't realize I accidentally transformed until I noticed I was using my fingers to massage the bridge of my nose. I looked over at the blonde, eyes wide, hopefully she doesn't say anything that will alert Shouto to my transformation. She simply stated at me for a moment, before muttering.

"well- didn’t know it did that-" I quickly transformed back into a cat, and sprinted into Shouto's room.

Chloe is probably going to show up a'lot, she has in what I've written so far

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