1 - box?

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(Todoroki's pov)

I sighed as I started walking down the street, heading back to my apartment after meeting up with the few Friends I managed to make during highschool. Their names were Momo Yaoyarozu, Denki Kaminari, Chloe Heart, and Hitoshi Shinso. Momo and I met though our families, where as Chloe and Denki basically chased me down in highschool, apparently they also did the same to Hitoshi, and I ended up hanging out with him when the blonds were too hyper for me. Which is the main reason I wasn't surprised they asked the rest of us out to a coffee shop. Chloe, Hitoshi and I still talk often as we go to the same collage, Hitoshi Being a psychology major, and I'm a Dance major, I never actually needed to learn of Chloe's major because she signed up to have dance as a minor study, so we share one class.

On my way back, it had started raining, rather heavily, I better get home quickly. As I was about to speed up, I noticed a large box sitting up ahead, it didn't look like trash, it seemed to be deliberately placed there, doesn't make it any better for the environment. I approached the box, and found a note sticking out, the top half was soaked by the rain, thus unreadable. I could read the bottom, though, which simply stated that for my own interests I'd be better off ignoring the contents of the box.

"That sounds shady..." I muttered, looking at the box, my curiosity was only rising, I had to take a peek. Inside I found a small dark green cat, it was fairly thin, so it couldn't have been fed well enough. The curiosity I had turned into anger, as whoever it was who left this here basically had anyone who actually followed the note leave the thing to starve. They obviously intended for it to die out here. 

I heard movement coming from inside the box, and noticed the cat shifting uncomfortably in the soaked cardboard. I'll worry about the box itself later, I scooped him up carefully, holding him to my chest, covering him with my jacket. I started hurrying home, as soon as I got inside, I went to the bathroom, wrapping the cat up in a towel and quickly drying him off. Once he was dry I got a fluffy blanket, and set him near the heater, not too close to overheat, but close enough for warmth. 

That being done, I was also soaked, so I went to take a shower.

~(time skip)~

(Deku's pov)

I woke up in a soft warm cucoon of some sort, my owner threw me out last I remember, she claimed she'd make sure no one made the mistake of taking in a freak like me ever again. For a moment I hoped she'd changed her mind, and come back for me, but as I looked around I definitely didn't recognize the structure or the furniture. This means someone else took me in, this also means my old owner's attempt to make sure no one takes me in again failed. 

I finally noticed the sound of a shower head running due to it being turned off. I got up from the blanket, heading over to the source of the noise, carefully, as I approached, someone exited the bathroom. My entire body heated up a bit, he was only wearing a towel around his waist. He seems like he's taller than my other form, and he has a fairly thin waist. His hair was still damp, color white and red, perfectly split down the middle, and his eyes kinda matched, Being steel grey, and turquoise. He seemed to have a burn scar on the left side of his face, what happened?

He didn't seem to notice me being awake just yet, as he went straight into what I can assume is his room to get dressed. I moved to follow, but realized if he is getting dressed he'll be even more pissed if he discovers my human form. 'face facts, he's going to find out eventually and he'll throw you out too.' I tried to shake the thought.

I must've been standing in the hall longer than I thought, because my new owner came back out wearing a black T-shirt, and pajama pants. He crouched down in front of me, I back up a little, not fully knowing if he's a good owner or not. 

(Todoroki's pov) 

In times like this, it best to build trust, he probably has bad experiences from his previous owner, given they left him to die. I held out my hand for him to sniff, being careful not to startle him, he slowly approached, sniffing me hand, then to my surprise coming straight up to me. I scooped him up, bringing him to the couch, I placed him on the couch and sat next to him, but he went straight back to my lap. Very friendly, "what kind of monster leave a cat out to die, and tells people to ignore it?" I muttered, and started scratching at his ears. He started purring loudly.

I originally wrote this on Quotev, Me and a friend of mine are in this, thus it became an RP to see how she'd react to the characters and situations around her starting next chapter

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