Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Epilogue

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“I’m scared, Lou.” My voice was shaking and the teacher’s grip tightened around me. 

“You’ll be okay, Harry. It’s just a graduation. I’ll be sitting with the other teachers and I’m not leaving you.” I smiled weakly and let out a heavy breath. 

“I know, I’m not scared of graduation. I’m scared of what comes after.” I turned my head away, not letting Louis make eye contact with me. I felt him loosen his grip and scoop my head in his hand before kissing me lightly. 

“We’ll be okay. Now get up there and finish school.” I smiled and ran up on stage and sat down on one of the chairs. As the headmaster started talking I started my search for Louis, and the rest of my family in the crowd. I saw my family sitting on first row and I smiled at them. They kindly returned the smile and waved at me. 

After ten long minutes with speaking, the headmaster was finally done and I still saw nothing of Louis. I let out a sigh and watched at more and more people stood up to get their diplomas. I looked to the ground as the teacher who was giving them out walked up. 

“First we start with the top A students, for an extra diploma.” I looked up staring directly at Mr. Tomlinson as he received the diplomas from the secretary. He started with the students who had their after names starting with a. As the list shortened I felt my name crawling up the list. 

“And lastly, Harry Styles.” I quickly stood up and walked over to Mr. Tomlinson, shaking his hand and accepting the diploma before saying thank you and sitting down again, receiving some happy tears from mom and Louis. 

As the hours went by I got up and got my graduation diploma and I was applauded along with the rest of the class. I smiled weakly as I walked down from the stage and got attacked with hugs by my mom. 

“I’m so proud of you, Harry!” She hugged me tight again and I felt her tears dripping down the crock of my neck. I pulled her closer to me and smiled. “I love you, mom.”

She slowly let go of me and we started to walk out towards the door. “I know you wanted to go out tonight, but we decided to have a family dinner instead, the whole family is there.” My mom smiled at me and I nodded slowly. I honestly didn’t care; it was just food in my eyes.

As she started the car and started to drive, Gemma kept on going on how proud she was of me. I laughed a little with her and we started talking about something totally irrelevant. And as the minutes flew by, I didn’t notice we were home until mom shut the door after her. 

I quickly opened the door and followed after her as a puppy. 

“Hey, Harry. Why are you so sad?” I looked up, looking at Gemma who had stopped behind me. I gave her a weak smile. 

“I didn’t see Louis before we left.” She hurried up to me and wrapped her arms around me. 

“I’m sure you’ll see him soon. And it’s not like he could’ve made a scene with you.” I nodded and walked towards the door my mom had rushed into minutes earlier. 

“Okay, let’s go get this party started.” I grabbed Gemmas hand and dragged her to the door, making her open it for me.

I stepped inside and got attacked with family and close friends congratulating me. I smiled thanked them and kept on.

It’d been a couple of hours and I was bored and tired as fuck. I didn’t even bother to talk to anyone. I’d just changed into something less formal and I was staring at the roof when there was a knock on my door. I let out a heavy sigh and told them to come in.

“Babe, you’re missing your own party.” I jumped up and attacked the guy standing in the doorway. 

“LOUEEEEH, you made it.” I pressed my lips against his and pulled him as close as possible as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now