Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Chapter Four

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"Good afternoon class!" I was sitting in the front, staring at Louis. The guy I had fallen so hard for. The perfect guy with his feminine voice and striped t-shirts. His glasses and suspenders always on its place. I let out a silent sigh and tried to focus class nodded and looked up at Louis. "So I figured we'd have a little fun today, since it's Friday and last lesson. So I want all of you guys to think of a question to ask me. And I will answer all of them." The girls gave a dreaming gaze as Louis turned around to collect the papers. They're not going to steal him. Pull back the claws. I turned around and looked out the window, not wanting to look at the girls. They were basically drooling over his boy- He's not your boyfriend, Harry. True, but what were they then?

As the class wrote down some questions, I couldn't manage to take my eyes off of Louis. He looked up and met my gaze. I blushed deeply and looked down to my desk, still unsure what to write on the piece of paper handed to me not long before. "Mr. Styles. Can you step out into the hallway with me please?" Louis's voice filled the room, and suddenly all eyes were on me. I swallowed thickly and stood up. "We'll be back soon." Louis opened closed the door after me and I tried not to get too close.

"Harry..." I still had my face to the floor. "I just need to ask you a question, okay?" I nodded, still not meeting his eyes. "Mr. Strangfold and I have been talking, and we want to have a presentation about bullying. And we wondered if you could just tell what the bullies do to you, and what effects it has on you?" I knew Louis just meant good, but I was scared. "I don't know, Mr. Tomlinson. I mean, I'd love to, but what if they get angry and" I took a deep breath calming myself down. "I just don't know if I can." Finally I managed to look up in his sparkling eyes. "Two things. First; I'm Louis outside of the classroom. And second; You can do it. I'll help you, and I'll be by your side at all times, okay?" I nodded, and smiled a weak smile. "Do you have your question ready?" Louis smiled at me, and I blushed. "I do, but I think I should tell you later." Louis got a confused look in his eyes, but I ignored it and went into the classroom again.

All the girls had stupid, ridiculous, and foolish questions. They all sounded the same; How old are you? What's your full name? Are you single? Are you a virgin? It just got stupider and stupider. I sighed and looked at all the girls that circled the teacher, and the boys who where discussing which of the girls's asses were best. I turn my head and look out the window. The Fray filling my ears. I hear the bell calling somewhere behind the music and I stand up, grabbing my books, but still trying to be last, just so I could talk to Louis.

"Mr. Styles, do you mind staying after class, I have something to discuss with you." I looked up at Louis and nodded as I dropped my bag at the desk again. The boys said something about the gay parade was picking me up today. I just looked down and walked over to Mr. Tomlinsons desk. "You didn't ask me a question today, Mr. Styles." I nodded slowly as I saw the last students leave the classroom. "I can ask it now though. It's rather personal, so I didn't want the others to hear." He got the point and walked over to the door, turning the lock over.

I took his hand and dragged him over to the window. I turned him to face the window and stood behind him. "Look out." I whispered into his ear as I wrapped my hands around his waist. "Now I want you to ignore the snow falling down and tell me what you see." He looked out and took a deep breath before his voice filled my ears again. "Children. Happy children." I nodded. "Yes. You're right. They do look happy." Louis turned around, only to stare into my eyes and with our lips only millimetres away from each others. "Tell me your question, Mr. Styles." I smiled and took a deep breath. And looked into his hypnotizing eyes.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now