Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Chapter Eight

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“I love you.”

The words were hanging in the air as I pressed my lips to his. I was in shock I guess. How can I react to something like that? I love you are really big words, and the only ones that have ever said them to me, is my mom. But I guess she meant it in another way. I pulled away from the kiss and tried to focus, but all these thoughts were running around in my head. 

“Harry, don’t freak out. I’m not waiting expecting you to say it back yet. I just wanted you to know, okay?” He gave me a comforting smile and stood up, dragging me up with him. He looked at my still soaked clothes and smiled a little. Then he looked at his own and started to laugh. 

“I guess we should get ourselves dry and get to school.” I smiled and stood up. He took my hand and dragged me into the bedroom. “I guess you can borrow some of my clothes today, okay?” I nodded a smiled. Everything actually seems to be working out for me for once. I took the clothes Louis handed me and I started to change. 

“Harry, can you just stop for one minute?” I turned around to face Louis. Or at least I tried to, he was not wearing a shirt and his stomach was showing. I guess I could’ve freaked out like teenage girl, but I tried to keep calm. I gave him a really confused look. “Take a look in the mirror, will you?” And I did. “What do you see?” I couldn’t really figure out what Louis wanted with this. I mean, I was standing in only my underwear, and he was not wearing a shirt. So instead of saying anything, I just gave him another confused look.

“I’ll tell you what I see.” I nodded and he wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder.  Fuck. A bit turned on now, aren’t we? “I see the most perfect boy I’ve ever seen. He’s got no reason to feel uncomfortable about his body.” Harry, this is the first time you’ve actually not freaked out about your body. “He has the most adorable smile you could ever find, and it seems to appear a lot around the boy who is holding him.” I giggled and turned around to face him, still trying to hide what was growing in my pants. Harry. You’re screwed. I bit my lip and faced the floor. 

“Lou, where do we stand?” I didn’t want to ruin this moment, but the question had been running through my head since the kiss and it was killing me. “I’m pretty sure this is my bedroom.” I face palmed myself and started to laugh. Really Harry? You laugh at that joke? Wow. “I mean, are we together or not?” I gave him a hopeful smile and he returned it with his beautiful smile. 

“I’ll be what you want us to be, okay?” I couldn’t help but to smile even wider. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. The kiss was a soft and gentle one. He gently licked my lower lip, asking for permission for entrance, and I let him. Yeah, this isn’t helping with the problem.

“Are we a bit exited down there?” I looked up at him and blushed deeply. He laughed a little before giving me a tight hug. “It’s okay, Harry. I can get rid of that problem of yours.” I blushed even more and looked down. I felt Louis push me on to his bed and he crawled on top of me. He started to kiss my neck, before biting it. His hands were all down by my rubber band of my underwear, and then he pulled it off. His hand started to move up and down at my erection and slowly but surely made me moan. 

Suddenly, he replaced his hand with his mouth, and I couldn’t do anything but to moan. I felt Louis’s tongue on the head, working his lips all over my erection. I let out a small scream before the white liquid spilled out. Louis crawled to his feet and helped me of the bed and handed me my underwear. 

“That was” I tried to figure out the words that could fit to this situation as I tried to get my underwear back on.  Louis grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. “Intense.” I nodded and got the rest of the clothes on. Louis walked into the hallway and put his shoes on. So I followed and did the same. He opened the door and I followed. He locked it and took my hand, just to entwine his hand with mine. 

Louis dragged me to his car, unwillingly letting go of my hand, but only to get in to the car. “Harry?” I turned over and smiled at the boy who was sitting next to me. “I hope you didn’t felt uncomfortable. I guess I wanted to please you or something like that.” Louis’s expression was worried so I gave him a smile and shock my head as I grabbed his hand again. I moved closer to his ear and whispered so only he could hear. 

“I hope you’ll enjoy being my boyfriend.” 

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now