Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Chapter Nine

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It didn't take long before we could see the school building growing at the end of the road. Louis parked the car and basically ran towards the teacher entrance while I was sprinting to the other side of the school ground. I ripped the door that I'd almost broken only a couple of days earlier open and didn't stop until I was standing in front of the classroom and knocked carefully on the door before opening it slowly, only to stutter as my body felt into a comfortable relaxation as I met Mr. Tomlinson's eyes.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Mr. Tomlinson, I had some problems this morning." I gave him an apologizing look and he gave me a smile that I couldn't really figure out. "It's okay, Mr. Styles. I heard you've been sick, so I'll let this one go, just don't do it again." I nodded and walked over to my usual spot. "Hey, Harry. Are you alright?" I turned around to meet Pierre's eyes. Even though she was Zayn's girlfriend, and Danielle was Liam's girlfriend, they were the people who cared most about me on school. I gave her a weak smile and whispered as quiet as possible. "I'm fine. I'm just a little tires." She nodded and turned her head back towards Mr. Tomlinson. I put my head on my desk and looked out the window as the snow fell lightly on the ground. I smiled and turned my head towards Pierre.

"What rumors are going around about me?" She slowly turned to face me and gave me a somehow confused look.

"You still haven't heard the biggest one?" I tilted my head to the side and gave her a explain-it-now-please look. She took a deep breath before starting.

"Some people said they've seen you a lot with Mr. Tomlinson lately," I held my breath. This was not good, how could they've forgotten to think about the fact that he's my teacher? "and everyone thinks you're failing English." I let my breath slowly but surely get out and felt myself relax. I gave Pierre a small and innocent smile.

"It's true, though Pierre. I'm failing, and Mr. Tomlinson is like my psychologist. I meet him a couple of times a week, just to talk out about my feelings and how the days has been. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I feel ashamed." She gave me a supporting smile and nodded.

"Oh, that reminded me, I got this note, it says your name on though, so I guess it's for you. I haven't read it, I promise." She handed me a small white piece of paper that had been folded multiple times. I reached out for the note and grabbed it. The paper was somehow silky, but at the same time rough. I opened the note and let out a silent scream, just before the sob was threatening to escape my mouth.

I felt tears pressing and I looked over at Pierre, but she just gave me an I-have-no-clue-who-wrote-it look. Everything started to blur and I felt tears running down my cheeks. I tried to only let out quiet sobs, but the pain wasn't making it easy. I felt Pierre sending me a concerned look before she raised her hand.

"Mr. Tomlinson? I think we have a situation over here." She tried to say it quiet, but everyone had heard and everyone was facing me. I heard Mr. Tomlinsons steps closer and he stopped in front of Pierre.

The note's words were running through my head all the time.


"What seems to be the problem, Pierre?" She and looked over at me with her eyes. And not more than ten seconds later, me and Louis were standing in the hallway. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer for every sob I let out. "Shh." He carefully brushed my curls and I felt myself calm down. "Do you want to show me the note, Mr. Styles?" He looked down at me as he pulled away. "I don't need you to be my teacher at this point, Louis. Please." I whispered into his chest that I'd pulled closer to myself again. He started to play with my curls and I relaxed again. "Do you want to show me the note now, Harry?" I gave him the note and felt the tears pressing as his eyes skimmed the paper.

You're a fucking fag, and I really don't understand why the hell you're still alive.

His face fell and his eyes looked up at me with a concerned look, but I just looked away, didn't want to meet his eyes at this point. Harry. Pull yourself together. He's your goddamn boyfriend. I looked up again and met Louis's eyes, the tears were falling and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Just kill yourself and everyone will be happy."

He crushed the paper into a ball and pulled me even closer. He kissed my forehead and whispered into my hair. "Harry. Don't believe them. Just don't. I would break if you died, or got hurt. Please, don't leave me, love." I felt Louis's body collapse into my arms and he buried his head into my shoulder. I stood straight up and put my arms around him. "I'm not going anywhere, Louis. I promise."

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now