Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Chapter Eleven

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 "The real couple is Liam and Niall."

The words were hanging in the air. The tension slowly but surely turning into an awkward silence. I tried to take my eyes off Zayn. I tried to move my body. But nothing in my body was listening to my mind. I wasn't even breathing. I tried to wake up from the shock he had put me into, but his eyes were digging into mine and dragging me into a somehow connection. I was locked. 

"Harry!" Louis screamed my name into my ear as he tried to get my attention. Not one single part of my body wanted to listen to the older boy though. It just simply refused. 

"Please, breathe." I opened my mouth and my body finally let the air fill my lungs. I turned my head to look at Louis who was freaking out beside me. I felt anger tears pressing in my eyes, but fought them back. I was so confused of what had just happened. I wanted to make Zayn explain, but I didn’t want to hear it. I wanted to beat him up, but I didn’t want to be like them. So I just stood here in shock, with my eyes begging Louis for help. 

"But they ruined me." I turned my head back to look at Zayn again. My eyes filled with the mixed feelings of being furious and broken. "You ruined me." His gaze dropped and fell the floor. I stood there, only focusing on my breath. I felt Louis entwine his fingers in mine and drag me towards him. I put my other hand around his waist, not letting go of his hand, because him entwining one of his hand in mine, and having his other arm around my neck was the only thing attaching me to earth. 

“Come on, Harry. Let’s go.” I nodded slowly and let go of his waist. He opened the door for me and basically dragged me into his car. We didn’t say much before Louis put his hand on the steering wheel and started the engine. 

I turned my head towards the window and looked at all the trees and people we passed. I couldn’t get Zayn’s words off my mind. I’d never suspected that they would be jealous of me. Tiny me. 

“I’m sorry for acting like this, Lou. It’s just a really big shock for me.” I spoke silently, still looking out the window, but still I felt him giving me a weak smile. He entwined our fingers again and dragged my hand up to his mouth and pressed his lips softly on my fingertips. 

“Harry, you had every right to. And I’ll be here on the side. I love you.” I turned my head and met his eye and gave him a small smile. He turned his eyes back on the road and started concentrating on that. 

A silence filled the car, I didn’t mind in the start, but it started turning into an awkward silence. I wanted to hear the older lad’s voice. See his smile. Not this wreak I’d made. I turned my head back to the window and started to think of the last week, and all that had happened. 

I just fell into deep thought. I didn’t want to let him see me this sad and upset, but again, he was my boyfriend and he knew me like nobody else. 

“We’re home, Harry. So let’s wipe those tears away and put on that smile I love so much, eh?” I giggled and stepped out of the car and walked over to the door entrance. I looked up at Louis who was locking the car, and for some reason I couldn’t hold myself from getting so happy that tears filled my eyes. I quickly dried them away, but apparently Louis had seen them.

“What’s wrong, Haz?” He pulled me into a hug and I smiled into his neck. 

“I love you, that’s all.” I felt Louis’ arms loosen in shock before tightening even more around me. He smiled as he let go of me and walked over to open the door. I stumbled inside and dropped my jaw to the floor and looked up at Louis.

“LOUIS. I cleaned up here like a week ago, and now it looks even worse.” Louis started laughing hysterically as I practically ran over to the living room picking up magazines from the floor and putting them nicely in a pile in the corner. 

I was just about to pick up some clothes from the floor when a couple of arms wrapped themselves around my waist and tackled me on the couch. I landed on my back and stared up into Louis’ beautiful blue eyes. I blushed and smiled. “I didn’t think I needed to clean, since we’d make a mess anyways.”

I laughed while he was grabbing the skin on my neck with his teeth. I giggled once again before putting my hands in his hair. I moaned a little bit before pulling his body closer to mine. 

“Hey, are you sure about this?” He gave me a concerned look and I nodded slowly. 

“I want you, Louis.” He gave me a confirming nod and took of my shirt. I felt a shiver down my spine as the cold air hit my sweaty body. I felt Louis kiss me lightly lower and lower towards my rock-hard erection. I moaned softly as he stripped my pants off. 

“Louis, you’ve got to many clothes on.” He smirked and took off his shirt. My gaze stopped at his abs and stayed there for a while before he pushed a kiss on my swollen lips. I felt his ahand slowly but surely starting to move on my erection. I pulled away from the kiss to throw my head back. 

“You like that? Wait until later. You’ll love it.” He gave me a wink and kissed his way downwards until his lips hit my erection. He swirled his tongue around the head and sucked it harder. I moaned his name and wrapped my hands in his hair. He pushed my erection further down his throat and I could feel the orgasm building up. I knew I couldn’t last long, because Louis started teasing the moment we walked in that door. 

“Louis, I’m going to cum.” I closed my eyes hard and tried not to empty myself, but Louis looked up at me with big begging eyes. So I let myself go and Louis climbed happily up on my chest as he swallowed my fillings. 

“That was nice.” Louis gave me a smile. I collected enough breath to open my mouth and whisper small compliments in his ear. He giggled and gave me a smile. 

A wide grin filled my face and I kissed his swollen lips once again before wrapping my arms around him and pull him closer. 

“I love you, Louis.”

A/N: So this is the last chapter I've got ready. I'm working on chapter twelve, but I have so much schoolwork that it's hard fitting time to write into my schedule. BUT, I will try to update sometime soon. Love u all :) xx

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now