Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Chapter Three

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"They call me a fag."

Louis's face fell and turned white. Pale I would have to say. Harry. Move, you scared him. I stood up and took my bag on the way before I ran towards the door. I quickly threw my shoes on and ran out the door. I looked around, actually having no clue where the fuck I was. I started walking in a direction, hoping it was the right one.


I turned around, seeing Louis running after me. I quickly turned around again and started to walk faster. But he was already behind me. "Harry, please stop." His voice was begging, and I stopped, still not turning around. "Don't think I hate you, Harry. It's just that I suddenly got a lot to think about." I slowly turned around, dried my tears,I hadn't even noticed that I had started to cry. Great Harry, this is the third time he sees you crying. Today. "Let me just ask you one question, okay?" I silently nodded, with my eyes to the ground. "Are you gay?" The question actually hit me like a truck. I wasn't prepared for it. Just tell him, Harry. He won't run like all others have. "Yes."

My voice trailed of in the end. I was waiting for the slap, the cold shoulder and the bad words, but instead I got dragged into a warm and protective hug. "Hey, don't cry. I'm not going to leave you like the others have." I felt butterflies flying around in my stomach. I smiled and pulled away from Louis, but he had other plans. As I pulled away, he pulled me closer, but only for our eyes to meet and our noses to touch. It have to look incredible weird, with a student and a teacher standing in the middle of a street, staring in each other's eyes, with their lips just centimeters away from each others, but again, we didn't care.

"Hey Harry? Want to hear a secret?" I felt Louis's breath on my lips, making me shiver. "Tell me." He smiled. "I'm in love with a student, awful right? But I think you'd like him. He has beautiful green eyes, his hair is curly, but always seems perfect. He doesn't really talk a lot in English class, because he struggles with concentrating. He's an straight A+ student in all other subjects, so I guess the only distraction must be the teacher, he must be an awful one" I felt myself blushing. Harry. He's talking about you. "But do you want to hear the best part?" I didn't do anything but to blush even more and put a smirk on my face. Louis pulled me closer. "I think he's in love with me too." And with that, I closed the gap that was between us.

Our lips moved perfectly together, like a symphony hitting all the right notes. The only time we pulled away, was when we needed air. I felt Louis pull me closer again and I let go of his lips. He put his head on my chest and whispered "Hey, I just found something about the guy I'm in love with." Louis looked up at me and I smiled. "Oh really, what?" He blushed. "He's a fantastic kisser." I laughed and put a peck on his lips before I pulled out my phone that was making an annoyingly loud voice. My mom was calling. Oh shit. I'm in so much trouble.

"Hey mom." I looked up at Louis and gave him an excusing look. He nodded and gave me a sign to hand the phone over to him. "Mrs. Styles? Hello. Yes. I understand. I'm sorry. Oh, I'm his English teacher, Mr. Tomlinson. Harry seems to have trouble concentrating in class. I know. Yes. No, don't bother. I will. See you soon. Good bye." I looked up at him, really confused. He handed me the phone and smiled. "Come on, Harry. I promised your mom to get you home now." I simply nodded and sat in to Louis's car.

Just as we drove up to my house, I took Louis's hand. "Louis, this is going to sound so weird. But how old are you?" I saw him almost bursting into laughter. "No worries, Styles. I'm just twenty. Only two years older than you." I simply nodded and opened the door and walked into my house. "Well aren't you coming inside to say hello to my mother, Mr. Tomlinson." He smiled and walked inside as well. "Mom! I'm home." Not long after, mom came running into the hallway. "Hey mom. This is Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Tomlinson, this is my mom." They both shakes hands and gave each other a smile. "Are you sure you're a teacher? You look really young." Louis smiled and nodded. "Yes I am Mrs. Styles. Just check the school system if you have any doubt." Anne's face softened and let out a little laugh.

"Well I should get going, it's school tomorrow, so don't stay up too late, Harry." Louis waved and walked out the door before I could say anything. Anne turned around from the door and looked at me. "You like him." Well thank you, mom. No questions, just straight to the statement. "Uhm, where do you get that from?" My voice cracked and I felt the warmth in my cheeks growing. I looked down, but she kept on looking at me. "Harry, it's okay. He's just two years older than you. But just keep it outside of school, okay?" She kissed my cheek and went into the kitchen. I walked upstairs to my room and lied down on my bed. Okay, what the fuck did just happen? Did mom just tell me to date my teacher? I guess she did have a point though. If they got caught, Louis was screwed. Well then, I guess I'll have a lot of tutoring sessions over the next couple of weeks.

"Sleep well. And thanks for caring about me.
-Haz xx"

I lied the phone down beside me closed my eyes, almost sleeping when I got a respond.

"You too. And hey, I'll always care.
-Lou xx"

I smiled after I'd read the text almost ten times. No worries Harry. He cares. And he'll be here tomorrow. And with that I felt my eyes slowly closing, dragging me into a dreamland. To my fairy tale. Dragging me towards my prince. Towards Louis Tomlinson.

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now