Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Chapter Seven

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It’s been three days and a couple of hundred times since I read the letter the first time, and I’m finally going to school. I guess I’m somehow happy, but at the same time; I’m terrified.  What am I going to do when I see Louis? What if Liam, Zayn and Niall were back? But most of all, how would Louis react to the fact that I hadn’t given him an answer? 

“Harry! Are you awake?” I stood up and walked over to my closet as I yelled back somehow an answer to my mom who happily walked in to the kitchen. I dragged on a random t-shirt and a tight pair of pants before running into the bathroom. I quickly fixed my hair and ran downstairs into the kitchen where my mom gave me a smile and a cup of tea.

“So, are you ready for school?” I looked up at her and gave a weak smile. “I really don’t know. I mean, I can’t wait to see Louis, but what if he thinks I’m ignoring him since I haven’t answered him. It’s been three days. And maybe he thinks I don’t want him?” I felt my eyes fill with terror. I was not ready to lose Louis yet; I just don’t know what to say to him. 

“It’s okay to not know what to say, Harry.” She looked at me with a comforting look, but it wasn’t enough to calm me down. “Can you please drive me to school now? I have to see Louis before class.” My mom gave me a weak smile before looking up at the clock on the wall. “The school door doesn’t open before an hour. Why don’t you wait till then, and I’ll drive you.” I slowly nodded and gave her a weak smile before I ran into to my bedroom. There was no way I could wait an hour for Louis. 

Not more than ten minutes I was running towards Louis’s apartment. Yes, running. And it was pouring, better? I think not. I was running in old converse and a t-shirt. I think I even forgot my bag. Nice one, Harry. You’ve got to deliver all homework, and you forgot your bag. I ignored the voice in my head and tried to focus on not falling over as I ran. I got weird looks from people who were driving past me and even weirder looks from people who were outside just to get their newspaper, but honestly I didn’t care at this point. I ran for Louis.

“LOUIS!” I yelled at the top of my lungs while I was banging my fist at the door. “Open up, please.” I felt my energy fading away as my voice lowered and my head fell, only to face the floor. I felt myself collapse and hit the ground, not caring to get any more soaked. Suddenly the door opened and I looked up and into his beautiful blue eyes. The eyes I’d fallen in love with. 

“Harry!” Louis looked down at me with a looked that was somehow confused, scared and worried. “What are you doing here, like, now?” I managed to stand up with a little help from Louis. I opened my mouth to speak but my throat was dry from all the screaming and crying. Louis somehow read my eyes and pulled me inside. “Harry, your eyes are all puffed and red. And you’re freezing and-” I crashed my lips against his and pulled him closer. He didn’t turn down the invitation and joined in the make out session. After a couple of minutes I pushed him off a little, but only to look him in his eyes. 

“Louis, will you just shut up and listen?” He nodded and gave me a week smile. I pulled him over to the coach and gave him a sign to sit. And he did. He looked up at me with big eyes as I tried to figure out what words to say, but the only thing my lips wanted at this point, was meeting his. I let out a quiet sight and sat down beside him. 

“Louis, I love the letter, I mean I’ve read it hundreds of times.” I stopped and looked down to the ground. “I know every word of it and I feel the exact same way about you.” I stopped again and took a deep breath. “You make me smile like an idiot, like I’ve never done before. You make me happy, just by looking at me or being in the same room. I blush whenever you say my name and I want to hug and kiss you every time you smile just because you’re so fucking cute and adorable. You make me feel loved, and you make me feel like no one has ever done.” I looked up at Louis who was blushing deeply and smiled a smile that was hard to ignore. Bad timing getting distracted, Harry. “But the worst part is that I was terrified of saying something wrong and losing you. I’m not ready to lose you, and I don’t want anyone else to have you. I don’t want to share you.”

I looked up and into his eyes. He smiled a small smile and blushed even deeper. I let out a weak laugh and smiled at him. He pulled me in for a hug and kissed my neck lightly. So here we were, two soaking wet boys, sitting on the couch and hugging. I couldn’t do anything but to smile at the thought of Louis actually being my boyfriend. Actually, I didn’t even know what we were, well except for being in love, but I don’t think that it counts. Louis slowly pulled out of my grip and looked me in my eyes again. I could sit like this for hours; his eyes were just so goddamn perfect. I smiled and looked at him with a slightly confused look. 

“Harry, there is this one thing I forgot to write in the letter.” I looked at him with even more confused look. Keep calm, Harry. Louis came closed so our lips touch but at the same time, we didn’t kiss. I felt him taking a deep breath before whispering;

“I love you.” 

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now