Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Chapter Thirteen

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"What seems to be the problem, Mr. Tomlinson?"

"Harry. You can't just punch some innocent kid over!" Louis was yelling at me, and I could easily feel him getting scared.

" You have nothing to say." I looked away from his eyes. I wanted to cry, but I didn't.

"Yes I do! I'm your teacher for god sake, Harry! Maybe you should stop meeting Liam, Niall and Zayn." At this point I was so annoyed I couldn't even sit still.

"Don't you dare bring the boys in to this." I was standing up, with my hands on his desk and leaning forward. "Don't you dare."

"Clearly they're a bad influence on you. You just pushed a new student to the floor, for bumping in your arm." Louis' voice was calm, but clearly he was struggling to keep it that way.

"I'm fucking fine."

"Harry, I know you. And this isn't you."

"You don't know a shit about me."

"Harry, I'm your boyfriend." He stopped himself. Neither of us really knew what we were. I looked down, and Louis turned to look out the window.

"Then why did you fuck her?" I knew I was crying. I could feel the tears streaming down, and even if I hated to seem weak in front of Louis, I couldn't bring myself to care at this point.

"Harry. I'm so-"

"Please don't say you're sorry." I looked up, and met his eyes, just as red and full of tears as my own.

"But I am, Harry."

"Louis, please. I can't handle this right now. I still love you, but I won't allow myself sitting here listening to your apology. Cause then I will run over to you, hug you, kiss you and forgive you. And I'm not ready for that, Louis. I can't put myself through that.

I was still staring into his eyes, and I saw more and felt more and more tears filling up in my eyes.

"Harry, you still had no reason to punch that kid. What if he got hurt?" My eyes widened in surprise. Not because he changed the subject, I was glad about that, but because he brought up being hurt.

"Why would you care if he got hurt? You broke me." I pushed myself out of the chair and was on my way out the door when I stopped and turned around only to meet more tears. "I guess you never really cared about at me at all."

I was angry as I left the office. Angry, frustrated and slightly hurt. I tried to fight back the tears, but they didn't seem to follow. They kept on falling and falling. And every time I blinked them away, a new tear was in its place.

I started punching the lockers and yelling like a mad man. I wanted to run back and collapse in his arms. I wanted him to comfort me, but I couldn't. I was going to be strong. I was strong. I am strong. I'm Harry Fucking Styles. I'm on the top. I'll show Louis what hurts feels like.

I stood still, dried my tears and looked up. I was going to show him.

Determined I started walking back to the cafeteria. I put up a smirk on my face and pushed the doors so quickly that the whole cafeteria went quiet. Every single pair of eyes was on me. I turned my smirk into a big grin and walked over to the blonde girl from earlier, pulled her close to me, and kissed her rough.

She let go of a little moan, and I pushed her away from me and walked to the others again.

"What the fuck was that for?" I smirked at Liams' clearly annoyed, but concerned voice.

"Chill, Liam. She wanted it. Like everyone else here." I turned around and gave the girl a wink. She blushed deeply and looked away.

"Harry, what happened inside of Mr. Tomlinson's office?" I turned around and faced Niall.

"Nothing special happened."

"Harry, obviously he did something."

"No he didn't. I'm fine."

Niall shook his head and stood up.

"If you don't want to tell me, I guess I have to ask him myself." And before I could even reply, he was out the door. I let my head fall between my arms on the table and let out a groan.

"Why does he have to be so curious?" Liam lets out a little laugh and pats my back.

"I don't even know." Liam pauses and suddenly laugh even louder. "Zayrror is real." I looked up and let a laugh out while staring at Zayn who had fallen asleep with his mirror.

"Typical Zayn."

We stood up and started to walk to class as the bell rang, leaving a very tired and soon very confused sleeping.

As we got into the class I sat by my normal seat in the back and started to stare out the window. I started thinking of Louis of course. I miss him. I really do miss him. I miss how he laughs at my obviously stupid jokes. I miss how me dries my tears and comforts me for the smallest things. I miss his random kisses. I miss, well, everything about him. I want him back. I really do. But I know I fucked it up.

"Harry!" I turned around only to meet Niall standing over me trying to catch his breath. His eyes were worried and I tried to stay calm.

"What?" Niall stopped and stared at me, opening his mouth, but not really knowing what to say, so he closed it again and looked away.

I wanted to stand up and shake the life out of the Irish boy there and then.

"Niall, please tell me what's wrong." I walked closer to him and tried to keep my voice calm.

"Harry…" Niall turned around and exited the room. I ran after him with feeling mixed as fear and anger.

"Niall! Tell me. What happened?" Niall turned around to face me.

"Harry, I don't know what happened. I walk in there, to talk about you, and your obviously bitchy and stupid behavior. And just as I enter the room, I find him crawled up in a corner of the room, telling himself ungly things, and he was crying. So I'm asking again; What happened in Mr. Tomlinsons office?" I let out a breath. I turned away from Niall and stared to the ground.

"I made Louis cry?"

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now