Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Chapter Five

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"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

The question was hanging in the air, and the tension that had just been there with it surely but slowly disappeared as he pulled away and looked up at me. "Harry..." I let his hands go and backed up a few steps, still staring at him. But when he turned his down to face the ground, I turned around and started to walk out of the classroom. I tried not to run, thinking that it would be way to obvious, but I was hurt. At the same time I tried to hold back the tears that were pressing behind my eyes, but again, another challenge.

"Harry, please. Wait." I heard Louis hurrying to pick up all his stuff, whatever that was, and started to run after me. But at this point, I really didn't care. I heard him whispering my name loud enough to hear as I pushed the exit door a little bit harder then I was supposed to, so the wood handle made a loud noise when it hit the brick wall. I quickly turned around to see if the door was broken, but all I saw was Louis walking towards me with big steps. I turned around again and started to run home. I really didn't care what happened to me anymore.

I felt tears falling down and my throat making small sobs as I took deep breaths. The ground was white, slippery and the snow was falling so thickly, that even the footprints that had been behind me wasn't even visible. Suddenly I tripped and fell into the snow on the sidewalk. The coldness was slowly but surly dragging all my warmth out. I don't even know how long I lied here for, cause at one point I fell asleep and everything turned black.

The next thing I remember is waking up in my extremely comfortable bed. I didn't even need to open my eyes to understand that. The strong smell and the bed I'd been ignoring school for way too many times earlier was not to be unmistakable. I opened my eyes and stared up in the roof, at least I tried to. The lights were all out, and the curtains were pulled in front of the window. I sat up after a little fight with the three blankets my overprotected mom had packed me in. I walked over to my closet and dragged out a pair of slippers and some sloppy clothes. I walked out in the hallway and was just about to walk down the stairs when I hears voices in the living room.

"Mr. Tomlinson, I'm so glad you brought him home. Thank you so much." I froze. Louis was in my house. Again. Exept the fact that I didn't want him in my house at this point.

"No problem, Anne. I'm just glad I found him before it was too late." He paused and I heard both of them sipping their tea, the perfect sign for awkward silence. "Anne, can I ask you something?" Even though I didn't see them, I knew she nodded and gave him a sign to talk.

"Well, I guess you know that I'm in love with Harry," again, I knew she nodded. "and today, he was so cute. And he told me to look out the window and tell him what I saw, and I told him that I saw happy children." I took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. I was fighting the urges to run down and hug the older boy sitting on the couch. I kept on seeing the part where he pulled himself away over and over again in my head. I actually managed to swallow the feeling of crying. Then he said something that caught my attention.

"I wasn't lying. I saw happy children. Cause he makes me feel alive and happy, and I feel like an adult around him, but at the same time I feel like a little child. I get butterflies whenever I'm near him and his touch makes me shiver. I melt every time I look into those perfect green eyes, and his curls just, damn." I smiled and felt myself deeply blush. "But then he asked me to be his boyfriend."

My smile slowly faded and I felt myself starting to shake. I was terrified of what he would say next. I closed my eyes as I tried to focus on something else, and from that moment till he opened his mouth felt like an eternity.

"You see, I really wanted to say yes. I really do want to be his boyfriend" Butterflies filled my stomach again and a smile was glued on my face. "but he asked me in my classroom, that one place where I can't be Louis." I heard his voice cracking in the end, breaking my heart that he was crying because of me.

"Louis, dear. He's right upstairs. Why don't you just tell him exactly what you told me. I'm sure he would understand. You won't get many other chances. And if it's too hard, write him a letter. He has always wanted a love letter." I felt myself blush. Really mom? "So go now, Louis." I heard Louis putting his cup away and standing up. Shit. I jumped to my feet and ran quietly into my bedroom and threw myself under the covers, and then I waited. An hour later, Louis came up. And I was still pretending to sleep.

He stopped in the doorway to look over the room, and his eyes searched the whole room before they fell on me. He slowly closed the door behind him and sat down on my bed, taking my hand. It feels like I'm in coma or something. He took a deep breath before he opened his mouth and the most perfect voice filled the room.

"Hey Harry. Your mom told me you always wanted a love letter, so I decided to write you one. Uhm, just I don't know. Read it when you wake up I guess." He laughed a little bit before he stood up and walked over to me. He placed his lips on mine, and I tried to fight the urges to lean in to the kiss, keeping on reminding myself that I was supposed to be sleeping. "I never ment to hurt you. I hope you know that." Then he walked out, and just as the door closed, I ripped the letter open and started to read.

"Dear Harry."

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now