Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Chapter Two

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I walked towards the exit with my hoodie pulled good over my head and my bag on my shoulder. I tried to hide the smile I had on my face, but it wasn't the easiest thing.

"Oh look! It's gay lord!" I heard Liam, the schools most popular boy yell at me. I kept on walking, hoping they didn't want to beat me up today. "Liam, is that a smile on his face?" Niall. He seemed so innocent, but he was the worst. He was the one beating them up, on Liams command of course. "Why don't we remove that smirk, eh?" Zayn's voice was shaky, but confident. Everyone were actually really surprised when Liam let him join his group.

"Liam, I really don't want to fight today. Can you just please do it tomorrow?" I'd stopped and my eyes were focusing on the ground. I heard footsteps walking closer and closer. "You think we want to punch you, gay lord?" Liam's innocent fake voice filled the air. I knew I was screwed. "Niall." That was all Liam had to say before I felt a kick in my back and I fell to the ground.

"I've told you not to disrespect us!" I felt Zayn pull me by the hoodie off the ground and on to my feet. Then, out of nowhere Niall punched my stomach and i felt my weight collapsing to the ground. I hated this. Get your ass up, Harry. I tried to stand up, but Niall quickly tackled me to the ground again.

"LIAM! ZAYN! NIALL!" A voice screamed out. I tried to open my eyes, but to terrified that it was a trick for me. I heard more and more footsteps gathering around. "This is his fault, Mr. Strangfold. He hit me first!" Liam's voice filled the whole playground that now was filled with students. "I don't believe it at all. You're all expelled for two weeks, your parents will be informed, but it's up for him" I felt the principals finger pointing at me, I didn't even have to look. "to figure out if the police will be involved or not."

"Harry! Are you alright!" I still had my eyes closed, but I knew Mr. Tomlinson was the one who pushed students away, just to get over to me. Open your eyes you moron. "Harry. Please answer me." I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at Mr. Tomlinson who looked like he was about to cry. "I'm fine, Mr. Tomlinson." I tried to pull myself up, but ended up just collapsing in Mr. Tomlinson's arms. He smiled at me. "Thank God you're okay." I looked around, only to see that people had stated to walk away, and again, it was only me and the teacher.

"Mr. Tomlinson, do you mind giving me a ride home?" I looked down in embarrassment. Are you stupid, Harry? No one asks something like that. "I'd love to help. Come on, let me help you up." I smiled and took his hand. When I was standing I tried to get my balance while Mr. Tomlinson gathered my books, again. I smiled to myself as I looked at him. This was kind of weird, him picking up my books again. He gave me the books and I gave him a weak smile. "Thanks, Mr. Tomlinson." Okay, I know you like saying his name, but it sounds like you're on replay.

After I got my balance we walked towards his car and sat in. "Just sit in the passenger seat, Mr. Styles. I'm not going to bite." I smiled a little and opened the car door. "Hey, thanks for caring, Mr. Tomlinson." He smiled and looked over at me. "You know, you can call me Louis outside of the classroom." He started the car and I felt my cheeks turn red. "Well then, Louis, you can call me Harry outside of the classroom." I looked over at him and smiled. "Noted. Now, tell me about yourself, Harry." I turned my head and looked at the road and started to talk about everything, and nothing.

"Shit." Louis and I had just stopped laughing when he yelled and made me jump. I stared at him with big eyes. "What's the problem?" He started laughing a little bit. "We're at my house, I forgot to ask where you lived." I looked down and started laughing as well. "Well, let's look at those bruises and I'll take you home after that?" I nodded and opened the door. Louis gave me my bag and we walked towards the apartment. "I'm really sorry that it's messy, I don't really care about cleaning." I smiled and nodded.

Harry. Behave. I know you're inside of Louis's home, but you have to understand that nothing will happen. I looked around the room. He wasn't joking when he said it was messy. "I'll just get the bandage and stuff, make yourself at home." Then he ran a room I assumed was his bedroom. I looked over at my left, where the kitchen was, then over to the right, where a sofa and a flat screen was standing. Harry, I know you're a cleaning freak. But do NOT start cle- It was to late, Harry had already found a big garbage bag and started to fill it up with old take-out boxes. Obviously, Louis didn't make a lot of food himself. Harry smirked and continued to clean.

Not more then ten minutes later, Louis came out from his bedroom to face a scary clean apartment. "Harry, I told you to make yourself feel at home, not clean it." I looked down and felt a blush growing in my cheeks. Harry, you really have to learn how not to blush. Suddenly I felt Louis's hand grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the couch. "We still have to check your bruises. Oh god, this will sound so wrong." I looked confused up at him. "I need you to take of your shirt." I looked scared at him. "I don't want you to see." I could feel Louis looking weird at me as my head fell. "Have the bullies told you you're fat?" Ouch. Suddenly tears were falling down my cheeks, and again Louis pulled me closer. "You're not fat, Harry. Trust me." I smiled a little. "Do you want to tell me what else your bullies tell you?" I swallowed hard before I met his eyes.

"They call me a fag."

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now