Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Chapter Fifteen

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As I walked in the door I was met by my mom’s stare and my sister’s smile. I unplugged my earphones and looked from my mom to Gemma, trying to hide the smile that was growing on my face. 

“GEMMA. You’re here. What happened to Uni?” She smiled and dragged me in for a hug. 

“I decided to visit my favorite brother for the weekend.” I smiled and pulled her tighter again. 

“I’ve missed you.” She pulled herself out of the hug and smiled at me. 

“I’ve missed you too, little bro. Now tell me, who is this teacher mom’s talking about?” My smile fell as I thought of Louis. ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬

“Uhm, we kind of, ended it? I guess you can say that.” Her smile faded away and she took my hand and dragged me up the stairs into my room. 

“Harry, please. What did he do? I know you, and I know how you would look after a break-up. But this isn’t a break up, is it? He did something.” At that point I couldn’t stop myself, I cried, no, not crying. I was screaming. Every feeling I’d held hidden for such a long time I let go, all on poor little Gemma, but she didn’t mind. She just rubbed my back and let me take my time. 

She’d seen all the text. She knows all about the phone calls. She knows about his comfort. But again, she also knows about his betray. 

And that’s how she’d ended up with sitting on top of me, holding me down, as she was dialing Louis’ number. I was terrified of what she could say or do to him. She’d seen the tears that was forming in my eyes, and she could hear me screaming her name. But at the bottom line, she’d realized, that this wasn’t just a crush. I loved him. 

Hi, this is Louis.

“Hey, Louis. This is Gemma talking, Harry’s sister.” There was quiet for a while on the other side. 

Uhm, hi, Gemma. What can I help you with?” His voice was obviously shaking, and scared. He knew how Gemma could be.

“I was wondering if you could meet me in the park. I need to talk to  you.” I could feel myself relax, just basically giving up. There was no way Louis would survive Gemmas talk. 

Uhm sure. I’ll be there in an hour, ok?” Gemma only gave a sound for confirmation and hung up. 

“Gemma. What are you going to talk to him about?” Gemma turned around and smirked at me. This is not ending well. 

“My dear little brother. You’re way to innocent and stupid.”  I looked up at her with big eyes. 

“What’s your plan?” She threw her head back while laughing. 

“Oh, Harry. I’m not going to talk to Louis, you are. So chop chop. We have about 50 minutes until you’re supposed to be there.”

And with that I was pushed into my closet. 

An hour later. 

I was terrified. What if he hates me? Or just don’t want to talk to me? I parked the car and sat there for a while before opening the door to face the reality.

As I walked further and further towards the park, I could feel my guts wanting to just escape through my mouth, but I kept walking until I saw Louis sitting on a bench. 

He looked up at me and met my eyes. I couldn’t really figure his eyes out. They seemed hurt and happy at the same time. Oh, and don’t forget the confusion.


I nodded and walked closer to him, leaving two meters between us. He gave me a small smile before opening his mouth again.

“Before you say anything, Louis. I want you to understand something.” He nodded slowly as he closed his mouth again. I sat down beside him and gave him a weak smile.

“Over the last months, I’ve tried everything in my power to forget you. I’ve stopped wearing clothes I used to wear around you. I’ve changed my attitude, wanting the Harry you liked to go away. I got new friends, and keep my schedule busy all the time. But in the end of the day, I’m just me. And you’re you, Louis. You’re the first thing that comes to my mind in the morning, and you’re the last thing I think of before I go to bed. You keep appearing in classes or on the bus. Everything reminds me of you.” I looked up at him, his eyes were matching mine; watery. So I took a deep breath an continued.

“The thing is that I didn’t throw the clothes away, I just hid them. I don’t want to be the person I’m at school; I’m the boy you liked when I get out of that building. The weak little Harry that cries for nothing. My friends drag me around, but let’s face it; they’re still the people who ruined my life. I just can’t get myself to delete our texts, or forget about the phone calls we’ve had.”

I gave him another look, only to be met by a face filled with tearstains down the cheeks.

“I can’t stop thinking about you, Louis.” 

But I didn’t need to say anything else, because at that point he crashed his lips in mine and pulled me up on his lap. I didn’t refuse. This was what I wanted and what I’d always wanted. I put my arms around his neck and he tightens his grip around my waist and I smiled against his lips. 

It wasn’t until his phone vibrated that we pulled away, both out of breath. He looked down at the screen and smirked. 

“Something tells me you forgot your phone at home and that your sister wants a hold of us.” He turned his phone around for me to see my own name light up. I let out a little laugh before declining the phone call. 

Louis smiled at me and entwined one of our hands together. I smiled and put up the camera on his phone again. He smiled and we started taking random pictures. But the best one, was where Louis kissed me right on the lips, and you can see the love in the picture. I smiled and sent it to myself.

“Ey, sending pictures of us to your sister, is that smart?” My eyes widened and I basically attacked the phone, even though I knew it was too late. And within seconds I got a text back.

“Finally! I’m so happy for you two. But get your ass home, Harry. Mommy not happy.”

I let out a sigh and looked down at the older boy again. He only nodded and pecked my lips. 

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Haz.” He pecked my lips again. And I blushed.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Boobear.” And then I dragged him in for the best kiss I’d ever had, and I guess we didn’t stop until Louis got another text from Gemma. We both smiled and kissed one last time. 

“I love you, Harry. You know that right?” I nodded and smiled.

“I love you too, Boobear.” 

A/N: So, my depression is not over, but I was bored and surprisingly enough, in the mood for writing. And I'm sorry that it sucks and stuff, but at least it's something xx

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now