Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Chapter Ten

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When Louis and I opened the door into the classroom again, every pair of eyes in the class was switching between staring at me and Louis. I took a deep breath before stepping into the room and waiting for Louis to turn back into Mr. Tomlinson. I gave him a weak smile before slowly but surely walked over to my seat next to Pierre.

"Hey, what did the note say?" I looked over at Pierre with big eyes. I was still at a stage where I was unsure to trust her or not, so I decided to ignore her question. I looked up on Mr. Tomlinson as Pierre's eyes were piercing into my head.

"Harry! Don't ignore me. I will personally send Zayn-" She stopped herself as she saw the fear building up in my eyes. I turned around to face her and gave her a failing smile. "Harry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to threaten you." I nodded and turned to face Mr. Tomlinson again, without saying a single word.

As the bell rang and everyone was out the door I walked up to Mr. Tomlinson's desk and looked down at my feet.

"Mr. Styles, may I help you?" I blushed and smiled a little before looking up and met his eyes. "Uhm, well, I want to thank you Mr. Tomlinson, for helping me out today, and I was wondering if you would mind being my psychologist for an hour?" He nodded slowly before picking up the school phone.

"Principle Strangfold. This is Louis Tomlinson speaking, in class today we seemed to have a problem, and Harry Styles would like to talk to me. Is it okay if I take him out of the next two classes? Yes, I understand. Thank you. Goodbye." He smiled a small smile at me before standing up.

"Well Mr. Styles, I can think of better places to talk than in this classroom. Come on, let's go to Starbucks." I smiled and nodded slowly before following Mr. Tomlinson's footsteps out the school building and into his car. I watched carefully as he started the engine and drove out on the road. None of us spoke, but the silence wasn't uncomfortable.

I made sure that we were out of school sight before entwining my hand with his and giving him a cheeky smile. He smiled back and flipped his hair and I couldn't do anything but to smile and start laughing. Louis turned around and looked at me shortly before looking at the road again. "I love your laughter you know." I blushed again and looked out the window, still letting out small giggles.

Not long after, Louis parked the car out side of Starbucks and we walked in, hand in hand.

"Harry!" I stopped, terrified. I let go of Louis's hand and looked up into Zayn's brown eyes. If I didn't crook my back or make myself this small, I would've been taller than all of the bullies. But I didn't and I was smaller than'd ever been

"Mr. Tomlinson, would you mind if I speak to Harry alone?" Louis searched Zayn's eyes and nodded quietly before walking over to the counter where he ordered some coffee. I was staring right into Zayn's eyes and for some reason it seemed like it made him uncomfortable. He swallowed hard and tried to escape my eyes longing for an explanation.

"I talked to Pierre, and she told me I needed to talk to you." I widened my eyes, most out of surprise. And for the first time, I opened my mouth to say anything else than a prayer. "You, Zayn Malik, the school most popular boy, needs to talk to me, Harry Styles, the biggest faggot of all time?" He looked just as surprised as me on my reaction, but it didn't stop there. "I've been pushed around, bullied, been dragged down and been fucked over and over by you guys. And now you're talking to me like nothing has happened? Are you high?"

His eyes fell to the floor and I felt guilty as I saw his gaze, but the feeling quickly disappeared when I remembered how he had been treating me over the last couple of years. Suddenly he raised his head and pushed his lips on mine. I was fucking kissing Zayn Malik, and I guess most people, yes even boys, in our school would die for this, but I wasn't like everyone else. I tried to push him away, but his grip was so steady and strong.

Suddenly I felt the lips that had been attacking mine being pushed away in a dangerously fast speed. I looked up at Louis who was standing there furious. He shaked his hand and looked down at Zayn who was now sitting on the floor with his hand to his cheek. I looked at Louis, back at Zayn, up at Louis, down at Zayn. Back and forth until Louis freaked out.

"What the fucking hell was that, Zayn?" He looked terrified up at his teacher who had just punched him in the face. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it again. I kept my eyes at Zayn as I grabbed Louis's arm and tried to pull him away. He didn't even move.

"I wanted to be sure that I was gay." I quickly turned around in shock as Louis's face softened. "You're gay? For how long?" Zayn looked down, like he was embarrassed. He took a deep breath before opening his mouth again. "Ever since I met Liam." My face dropped to the ground.

"You're in love with Liam? As in Liam Payne?" Zayn gave me a weak smile and tried to stand up, ending with climbing a chair. I turned around to face Zayn. "Is that why I'm your victim? Cause I wasn't afraid to be open about it?" Zayn shook his head. "No, we were jealous. Everything we do is so open and we can't even look at someone without them fainting."

I nodded and looked down, entwining my hand in Louis's. Poor Louis who was still jealous about the fact that Zayn had kissed me on my lips. I guess I had to prove to him that I was his later. "So..." I started and lifted my head. "Why don't you tell Liam what you feel?" Zayn's head dropped to the ground.

"Because of the fact that Liam already has someone." I tilted my head to my side. "Well yes, isn't he with Danielle?" Zayn smirked and looked up to meet my eyes. He leaned closer towards me. My eyes looked desperately over at Louis who was squeezing the life out of my hand. I felt Zayn's breath of a mix of cigarettes and mint gum on my face. "Danielle is an act." I shot my eyes open in surprise. Zayn leaned even closer without breaking the eye contact.

"The real couple is Liam and Niall."

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now