Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson

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How can anyone be that perfect? His blue eyes sparkled, searching the crowd of students. I tried to catch his gaze, and I managed. Big mistake. I looked down, begging silently that he didn't see my reaction. I heard people laughing and talking, not giving a fuck about the lesson. I wish I could, I really do. I mean, I'm a straight A+ student, but this teacher, he made it so hard to understand.

"Mr. Styles." Fuck.I looked up, staring into his perfect eyes.

"Class ended five minutes ago, you're dismissed." I looked around the room, only to see that it was only me and the teacher in the room. I quickly gathered my books and stood up, only to lose balance and fall to the ground. The teacher looked down at me, trying not to laugh. I didn't even bother to try to stand up. I'd already messed up. So I just sat there, looking up at his fantastic body. "It's okay. You can laugh." And with that the teacher smiled, but instead of laughing, he gave me a helping hand and picked up my books. "I'm not going to laugh. I know how it feels like to be bullied." My face dropped to the ground as I felt tears pressing. I tried to hide it, but the teacher was already wrapping his arms around me. I pulled him closer and felt my tears soaking into his shirt.

"Mr. Styles." the teacher said after a long pause, still having his arms wrapped around me. "I may be wrong, but it seems as you're not understanding my tasks in class." Just because you're goddamn perfect. I cleaned my through. "I can't really concentrate." Your eyes take all my attention. He pulled away from the hug and looked down at me. "I'm not really supposed to be tutoring student, but you really look like you need it." I couldn't do anything about the smile that crossed my face as my cheeks turned red. I had to think quickly of a way not to expose myself. "You think I actually can succeed?" Nice one, Harry. "Of course I do. So you would like to try? None of the other teachers have to know about your struggling in school." Obviously. I don't fail in the other subjects. "I'd like that." I started walking the door with all my books in my hand. "I'll talk to you in English tomorrow." The teacher smiled at me as I stopped in the doorway.

"Thank you, Mr. Tomlinson."

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now