Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Chapter Twelve

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Lies. Betrayal. Hurt. No words seemed to fit. Everything was wrong, this wasn’t how it was supposed to be. Not anywhere close to it. But it had happened, and I was alone again. 

A sob filled the room as I lied on my bed with my face pressed down in the pillow. I tried not to cry, I tried to ignore, and to get the picture out of my head. But I couldn’t. It was too hard. The scene was on replay over and over again inside my head. 

“Louis? Are you here?” I opened the door and walked into the somehow clean apartment. I dropped my bag on the floor and walked closer to the bedroom. I didn’t even bother to take of my shoes. 

“Louis!” I tried to say his name again, but the feeling in stomach, somehow told me to turn around and walk out. I ignored it and moved another step closer to the bedroom. I started to wonder if I was paranoid as the sound of moaning turned louder. I opened the door with one hand and stopped breathing. 

I stared at Louis slowly covering himself up and turned away from the girl under him and looked at me. He looked up at me, trying not to meet my eyes, but failed miserably. I felt tears streaming down from my eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but I was already out the door. 

I ran away. I had no clue where. Just away. As I ran I felt the pain aching in my heart. I felt the tears burning my eyes. I slowly but surely slowed down and collapsed as a ball somewhere far away from Louis. 

Why did he have sex with someone else? Maybe I wasn’t good enough. But with a girl? Last time I checked, he was gay. I felt more tears push behind my eyelids. I kept on playing the scene until I fell asleep.

I turned around and looked out the window of my room. I have no clue how I’d gotten here, not that I really cared either. I wanted to fall asleep again, and forget everything, but the knock on my door dragged me away from that plan. 

“Harry, there’s someone here to see you.” I panicked. I heard my mom walk away, while someone else enter the room. 

“Harry…Are you okay?” I froze. I’d never heard a voice more concerned. But on the other hand, I’d never been that terrified. 

“I’m fine, Zayn.” I tried not to show how terrified I was, but it was me. And after what Louis had done to Zayn, he was probably furious. 

“I found you passed out in the street, are you absolutely sure that you’re okay?” I turned around and faced Zayn. He looked tired and just as depressed as I was. 

I gave him a nod, even though I knew he saw the pain in my eyes. “Uhm, this is going to be awkward. But I was wondering if you would join me at Liam’s place later today.” He turned away as my eyes grew bigger. Zayn knew that Liam was worst. Was this a part of a plan? I couldn’t say yes to this. No, Harry. No. Just say it. No. No. No.

“Yeah, sure.” What the fucking fuck? What happened to no? I felt stupid for talking to myself but ignored it and gave Zayn a fake smile. 

“Really? I know Liam is a bitch to you at school and stuff, but I actually think you’d be surprised to see how he really is.” Zayn gave me a smile and stood up from the bed. 

“I’ll pick you up at five, okay?” I gave him a confirming nod and he walked out the door. I sat still for a couple of minutes before I threw the blanket on the floor and picked some good used jeans and a Ramones t-shirt before I headed for the showers. 

Two hours later I was sitting in Zany’s’ car and I was nervous as fuck. Zayn had noticed and tried to calm me down, but the feeling of being betrayed was still somewhere within me. My phone was still buzzing nonstop, and I saw all the messages Louis sent me, but the thought of him actually cheating on me disgusted me. 

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now