Reason For My Smile Larry Stylinson Chapter Six

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"Dear Harry.

I'm starting at I'm so sorry for making you uncomfortable earlier. I love being around you, Harry. But you asked me in the classroom, the only place where I'm your teacher and you're my student. And that's why I couldn't say yes to being your boyfriend at that point. I want to be together with you. Harry Styles, the cutest person I've ever seen. Not Mr. Styles, my student, who only fails in my subjects. (Yeah, that just made me sound like an awful teacher.)

And I wish there would be words for how much I want to be your boyfriend. I get weak whenever I'm near you, and I try not to look at you, but you're so goddamn perfect. I love when I turn around, and you're staring at me, and when our eyes meet you blush and look down. You should try to keep your head up once, cause I'm blushing just as much as you are. You make my stomach turn and get filled with butterflies, just by fixing your hair. Your eyes light up my day, cause they remind me of green stars. Cliché much?

Do you remember when you told me that you'd been called a fag? And I just sat there, well, it all reminded me of when I was at school. It's not that long ago, you know? Anyways, I used to be bullied just as you are, and I promised myself to never like a boy ever again. How could I? I would just get comments thrown after me anyways. But then, I walked into the classroom this Autumn, and you, you were just sitting there with your perfect, everything. It's weird to think about the fact that I've been in love with you for months. All from the first day I walked into the classroom.

I remember I introduced myself as Mr. Tomlinson, and I told a little bit about myself (including my age.) All the girls where all over me, cause apparently I was "hot". And the boys just ignored the whole situation, just mumbling some bad things about me getting all the attention. I remember a blond girl, Pierre I think it was, was all over me. And I saw you sitting on the front row by the window, just looking out. You had your earplugs in, as like you wanted to escape the world. In your hand you were holding a pencil, and on your desk, a perfect written essay. I adjusted my glasses enough to see the grade you'd gotten. An A+.

After the bell rang, you were the first one out, as if you were running away from something, or someone. I guess Zayn, Pierre's boyfriend, since he's the only one of the bullies that are in English. Anyways, you forgot your assignment at your desk, so I decided to give it to your teacher. And when I did, I heard that you were a straight A+ student in all subjects, so why did you fail mine?

But as the months past, you just didn't seem to understand or try to participate, still I didn't bother. I loved watching you. I guess I was just as lost as you were. So when I the bell rang, and you didn't "wake up" I guess I thought it was time. So I talked to you, at least I tried to. I got more and more nervous, but I guess I wasn't the one on the floor.

I only decided to tutor you, cause I knew and know that I'm crazy in love with you, and I wanted to spend more time with you. I wanted to get to know you, so when you left the room, I have to say, I couldn't help but to smile, and if I wasn't too wrong, you had a smile on your face too?

Well, not long after, a student came running out telling me it was a fight going on outside, I couldn't do anything but to think of you. I was begging for it to be someone else, but when I saw you lying there, all beaten up. I just couldn't hold my tears back. I didn't care if I pushed anyone else down to the ground. All I wanted, was for you to be okay. So after a while, people left and it was just me and you.

When we were driving, I was begging for you not to realize that we'd been driving to my house, cause I wanted to take care of you. But it ended up with you taking care of my apartment (sorry about that.) But when I was going to check your bruises, and you started to cry, I wanted to hug you and just hold you close. I just didn't want to see you so upset. And then the bomb ticked of and everything but me went in fast-forward. I didn't press play until you'd ran outside and the door was slammed.

I ran after you, I hope you remember that, cause that is something I never want to forget. I want to remember how I told you everything, about how I felt about you. I was terrified, and if my hands wern't entwined with yours, I'm sure I'd been shaking like hell. I wanted to kiss you right there and then, but I was scared that you wouldn't kiss me back. But you did. And I've never been happier.

When we pulled apart, it was like a fire darkened. I wanted to kiss you again, but your mom had to call. Haha. Not going to complain though, she is the one making me write this to you now. But anyways, I talked to your mom and she asked me to drive you home, and I didn't feel awkward, I'd love to meet her, I mean, she seemed so nice. And she was, but you know what she told me when she hugged me goodbye?

Take care of him, Louis.

And I want to, Harry. I want to take care of you. I want to kiss you, and hug you. I want to hold your hand and I want you to laugh. I want to cuddle with you and make you romantic dinner (even though I almost burn down the kitchen when I'm making toast.) I want you to be mine, and I want to be yours. I don't care if we have to hide, as long as you're mine.

So please be?

Sincerely, your Louis."

Reason For My Smile Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now