𝟎𝟏𝟒 (!!!)

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(Edit: I've changed the age to 17)

SMUT ~ MATURE SCENES Please vote x ~ (Edit: I've changed the age to 17)

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The crowd was going insane.

The slytherin crowd was cheering the loudest even though the Ravenclaw crowd had Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors with them.

As the teams flew out onto the pitch, their names were introduced. People were cheering loudly as the names were called out. Blaise, Theo and Draco were playing. Blaise as chaser, Theo as keeper and Draco as seeker.

It was pouring rain, sometimes thunder struck down. Every player was on their broomsticks in the air waiting for the game to begin.

I was standing in the big slytherin crowd with Daphne, we were of course cheering for our boys and house.

When Madam Hooch finally blows the whistle and the games begin, the players are flying around everywhere.

My eyes searched for Draco, he was flying in front of Cho Chang. They were both looking for the snitch.

Draco's hair was wet and was hanging down his forehead, almost covering his eyes and his green quidditch uniform with the number 7 on it was soaked. I watched him as he looked for the snitch, he held one off his hands to hold his balance on the broom and the other one was in his hair, moving the wet hair away from his eyes.

He looked hot

I looked over at the hoops where Theodore was. My eyes then searched for Blaise who was flying, holding the quaffle in his hands. They flew past us and he passed the quaffle to Adrian Pucey and Adrian then passed it back to Blaise, who scored the first points to Slytherin.

"10 points to Slytherin, a great score from Blaise Zabini!" the announcer announced

Everyone started screaming and cheering for Blaise, who flew past us again, giving us a wink.

Many scores after and Slytherin were leading. We were good, I wouldn't say that Ravenclaw was bad, but Slytherin just had more points.

I looked at Draco, who were still looking for the snitch. He turned his head and his eyes met mine. His grey eyes into my blue ones. I gave him a small smile and he returned one before he turned away and continued to look for the snitch.

"Theodore is kinda hot-" Daphne then said, leaning a bit towards me ear so I would hear her better "- I mean his hair looks good- Oh look there's Adrian"

I laughed a bit before continuing to watch the game.

Draco was no longer on the same spot as before. He was flying after the snitch and Cho Chang was chasing him, also wanting to catch it.

Draco was faster than the ravenclaw seeker, but she was right behind him, almost catching up. I heard that she yelled something behind him and he noticed so he started to speed up.

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