𝟎𝟔𝟔 (!!!)

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[mature scenes ahead.]


Dear Diary,

My name is Belle Clair. I just turned seventeen. I'm moving from France to Britain. My father has made the decision to transfer me from Beauxbatons to Hogwarts.

Father says that we have to keep our blood line pure. That we have a reputation to keep.

I am only seventeen and on my eighteenth birthday I will be marrying the Malfoy heir — Draco Malfoy.

Belle Clair.


Dear Diary,

Hogwarts is not so bad. I like it here. I've made some friends. I've reunited with Blaise Zabini, a childhood friend of mine. And I've grown to know Daphne Greengrass and Theodore Nott.

Malfoy is rude. I don't know how this is going to work out.

If it doesn't work out, then I'm doomed to live a life I have not chosen.

Belle Clair.


Dear Diary,

I kissed him.

I had been crying just before it happened. Just before my father happened. Malfoy walked in on me as I sat on my bed with tears on my face. He looked concerned when he saw me. And he was nice to me.

It just happened. It was the moment, you know?

It would've happened sooner or later. It's an arranged marriage after all. Marriages between pureblood families happens all the time.

Belle Clair.


Dear Diary,

I don't know anymore.

Belle Clair.


Dear Diary,

He proposed to me even though it's already been arranged. He said that he wanted it to feel real. That we would get married whether we like it or not. Because we can't choose, we don't have a say in our parents' decision.

He got down on one knee and held out the small box with a ring in it. And he spoke to words will you marry me? Draco said he wanted it to be special. For me. For him. For us.

Belle Clair.


Dear Diary,

I love him. I love him. I love him.

Belle Clair.


Dear Diary,

As the stars glimmers in the sky, I watch them. I look up at the constellations. I try to count the stars, but they're too many. They're millions and more.

I'm getting married tomorrow.

Belle Clair.


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