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Malfoy Manor,
June 1996,
two weeks later.


"Draco—!" Narcissa exclaimed excitedly as she embraced her son the way she always does when we return back to the manor "I've missed you so much, my baby boy!"

"Mother—I've missed you too" he said, he looked really uncomfortable as his mother squeezed him in his arms to tight "m-mom I can't breath" the words barely left his mouth.

I tried to hold in my laughter, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"Oh I'm so sorry" she kissed his cheek and turned to me "Oh my—you've grown so beautiful since last time we saw each other"

She hugged me as well, before she took us into the manor. It was darker than I had remembered it but I didn't bother to care.

Draco and I had returned from Hogwarts. We had left earlier than the other students due to us having family business. And with family business I mean: the wedding that was coming up soon.

Blaise and the others didn't get to come with us but they were coming next week instead and will get to spend some more time with us then. Blaise got really emotional when we left and so was Daphne but not Theodore. He was busy trying to irritate Blaise, but we still knew he cared.

"Do you have to go?" Blaise cried as he embraced me with one last hug, I held him in my arms and wiped his tears off "please don't go"

I looked at Draco who stood beside me, he was trying so hard not to laugh, I gave him a nasty glare which made him smirk at me instead.

"Blaise I will see you next week" I said as I pulled away and brushed his cheek softly with my fingertips "I promise"


We sat by the dinner table. My family and the Malfoys. I was seated between my parents as Draco was seated between his.

"So... the wedding" my father started as he took a sip from his wine "Isabella—you have your dress right?"

"Yes," I answered.

Daphne, my mother, Narcissa and I had gone dress shopping before Christmas.

Everyone split up and started searching for my 'perfect wedding dress'

"Omg" I heard someone squeak, probably Daphne "Mrs Malfoy and Mrs Clair look at this"

My mother and Narcissa gasped.

I ignored them and continued to look for a dress myself. I was going to choose my wedding dress. I was going to decide which dress I wanted.

My eyes found their way towards a dress in the corner in the back. I walked towards it and grabbed it.

It was an elegant wedding gown. It was white with silver and lacy details. The part over my hips was lacy with silver details and the other parts were just silky white. It looked beautiful, but I'm not sure if my father and mother would approve.

"And you have done everything you need to get done and have ready?" he asked once again, his voice sharp and expressions stern.

Fucking dickhead

"Yes father" I faked a smile towards him "everything is done"

"Good," he said and continued to eat. We ate in silence until Lucius decided to start another conversation:

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