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Noah Jakobs :


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Belle's POV

"So Noah why did you transfer to Hogwarts?" Blaise asked him as we sat by the open fire. Blaise was sitting beside Theodore and Daphne on one couch and I was sitting beside Noah on the other.

"Well, I didn't think I fitted in there without Belle and when she left without saying goodbye I decided to transfer here and be with my best friend because why not?" Noah answered, smiling at Blaise

I knew that Noah liked beauxbatons with his whole heart and that he felt safe there, he had friends and the teachers liked him. But maybe that changed when I left.

"So who are your parents?" Blaise asked, which was something I hoped he never would have asked.

"My parents are dead, they died when I was an infant" Noah answered "I don't remember anything of them, I don't even know what they looked like"

Noah Jakobs was a muggle-born wizard, his parents were dead. He had brown curly hair, brown eyes and he's tall. He's probably the nicest boy i've even met in my life, he was always there for me when I was sad or when I was in a bad mood. He understood when I was angry and he knew what to do. He knew that he shouldn't force answers out of me.

He was kind and we did everything together, we were like siblings and we knew each other like no one else did. Noah was always in a good mood, every time I saw him he had a big smile on his face, even when we did homework together he would smile and be happy. He was caring and I loved him, he was like my big brother I never had.

"Omg, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bring up a touchy subject" Blaise quickly panicked and apologized "I hope we can be friends tho"

"It's fine, I don't really care" Noah said "I didn't even know them so I don't really care so much if you bring them up"

"Noah! Noah, wait!" I yelled as I was trying to keep up with my best friend who was walking faster than me "I said wait- please, it's not funny anymore!"

"Yes it is" Noah laughed as he watched me out of breath "I have longer legs than you so I'm much faster"

"Oh you think? Well i'm actually faster than you, you just got a head start. If we do a race now I'm going to win" I said, crossing my arms as a joke



"Let's do a race then" he said looking down at me with a smirk on his face

"But I was only joking, you know that I'm not faster than you! You have way longer legs than me!"

"So you're scared that I will win? Well thank you-"

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