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"Belle if you can hear me-" I could hear Draco's voice "please wake up, darling, please"

"Draco, sweetheart, she's not going to wake up anytime soon" Narcissa Malfoy's voice rang like a bell in my head "-let's go"

"I know you can hear me" Draco said and I felt his warm hand around my cold one "-please wake up- for me"

"You haven't left her side for 3 days- please come with me, you have to at least eat and shower- she will be here when you return" Narcissa said " -the doctors are doing everything they can- she will get better"

I heard Draco sigh before I felt his warm lips press against my forehead and then I heard him standing up, walking out of the room shutting the door behind him.

I couldn't move.

I couldn't open my eyes.

All I could was to listen.

I was laid on a bed in a private room in the malfoys private wing at St Mungo's Hospital.

Days passed by and everyday Draco would come and sit beside me, holding my hand, reading books. He's been re-reading Romeo and Juliet for the past four days. He would talk to me, he would tell me how much he missed me, how much Blaise missed me, how much Daphne missed me, how much Theodore missed me. He would talk about everything he did, he was with me almost the whole time. He never went home, except for the times his mom would force him to. He would sleep on the chair beside my bed, holding my hand, always checking up on me to see if I was okay.

My mother and father would check up on me, but they didn't stay for long. My father would tell me how much of a disappointment I was and my mother would just stay quiet.

"Why would you drink that, stupid girl" my father had said a couple of nights ago "-you ruin everything, your a disgrace to our family! Why would you drink that, hmm? I had warned you that someone was trying to hurt you, and then you go and drink something you don't even know what it is?" his voice had been sharp like a knife and they had hurt "when you wake up- which you better do- I want to talk to you Isabella!"

And with those words he had left, and my mother had been quiet, letting him talk to me like some piece of shit, like a bag of trash.

Blaise, Theodore and Daphne had been visiting as well, they had been talking to me;

"Belle, our beautiful Belle-" Blaise had been singing last night "please wake up- wake- wake-wakeeee up- I miss you babeee"

"Her ears are going to start bleeding.." Theodore scoffed

"Don't be so mean Theodore Nott or I will tell your mother! Our friend is dead ass laying on a bed here unconscious and you are acting like a brat!" Blaise snapped "anyways- Belle, our beautiful Belle, I am giving you my chocolate frogs, I love you"

They had left, Daphne had kissed my palm, Blaise had left so many kisses on my forehead and cheek and Draco had gotten angry, Theodore had left me what I think was flowers. I had gotten presents from all of my friends.

I even got presents and was visited by Narcissa and Lucius, not even my parents could visit me normally and give me presents. All my parents thought of me was like I was some sort of price that they had won or that I was a doll to show off.

Another day passed and I was visited by someone, but not one of my friends or Draco or his parents or my parents;

"Isabella Clair" the voice was low and dark, it was a male "-such a pretty girl, I guess you didn't drink enough since you're still alive- I know you can hear me..- you should have been more careful.."

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