Chapter Three

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 After Ollivander was done talking with Mr. Void, he summoned his measuring tape. Everyone looked at each other, wondering who should go first.

Iskall stepped up. He had no idea what he had to do to get a wand (Scar joked about having to fight for one, but the Swede really hoped he was actually joking) and he knew most of his friends didn't either.

"Ah. One moment." The wandmaker waved his wand at the measuring tape, which flew up and did it's job, measuring Iskall's wrist to his elbow, shoulder to shoulder, fingertip to shoulder, and on and on and on. As that was happening, Ollivander occasionally peeked over to glance at his customer, and would disappear back into the labyrinth of wand shelves.

After a few minutes, Mr. Ollivander waved his wand again and the measuring tape fell on the floor.

"Try... this." He offered the 11-year-old Hermit. "Apple, dragon heartstring, 5 ⅓, whippy."

Iskall took the wand, which felt weird in his hand. Dedalus did a gesture mimicking waving a wand, and the Swede gave it a wave.


Everyone jumped. The vase in the corner had broken in exact halves. Iskall almost dropped the wand, but instead gingerly put it on the counter and stared at it.

"No." Ollivander decided calmly as he fixed the vase with a quick spell. He went back to the shelves of wands, not going far this time, and grabbed another box containing a new wand. He pulled it out and offered it to Iskall, who carefully took it.

"Red oak, dragon heartstring, 10 ¼, unyielding."

Iskall waved it, and a rush of wind came out of nowhere. Small sparks of red and bright green flew out of the wand like fireworks.

"Ah." Ollivander smiled and nodded. Iskall had a look of stunned awe on his face. Grian, Mumbo, and Tango clapped.

"That's the process for getting a wand, kiddo. C'mere, who's going next?" Uncle Dedalus smiled when Xisuma stepped up boldly.

'C'mon X, you can do this.' Xisuma tried to not burst from excitement or anxiety, he couldn't tell which emotion was stronger at the moment.

The process repeated: X got measured, and Ollivander had him try wands.

"Try this." Ollivander handed him a dark wand. "Ebony, phoenix feather, 9 ½, quite bendy."

X held the ebony wand with a shaky hand, and waved it. In protest, the wand made a tiny stormcloud over Xisuma's head. Everyone hid their giggles (even X tried to not laugh as he handed back the wand to the shop owner) behind their hands while Ollivander and a chuckling Dedalus tried to get rid of the cloud, which started pelting hail at them.

After the adults took care of the cloud (and the Hermits stopped laughing themselves to death), Ollivander gave X his third wand, which ended with Doc only able to speak German for the next five minutes. After Xisuma apologized dozens of times, he went on for his fourth try. The fourth one ended with Bdubs "almost" (he was, but not for long) being set on fire, and Xisuma apologized a dozen more times. On the fifth try, a wand decided they liked him. Finally.

"Pear, dragon heartstring, 9 ¾, fairly bendy." Ollivander patiently gave X the wand. Xisuma waved it cautiously, but the wand chose him. He ended up producing purple, blue, and yellow flowers, which he gave to his uncle.

Grian stepped up next, almost bouncing with excitement and curiosity. He got measured, and Ollivander gave him a wand.

"Dogwood, phoenix feather, 12 ½, whippy."

Grian was chosen on the first try, and he was overjoyed. Xisuma pulled a book called Wandlore Made Simple out of a bag he had on him the whole day, and looked up some of the wand woods. He snickered at the description of dogwood, which matched Grian's personality perfectly. He nudged Mumbo and read quietly to him (as Tango was having his turn to get measured):

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