Chapter Seven

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The next few weeks went by quickly, and all the Hermits agreed that they absolutely loved Hogwarts. They had even more to look forward to, when on a certain Monday, all the Houses woke up to find a notice pinned up in their common rooms, all of them saying the same thing: Thursday, Flying Lessons would start.


Everyone was excited (and a few were rather nervous) about the upcoming Thursday.

"We're learning with the Hufflepuffs. Nice!" Tango cheered (the ZIT team had decided to chill with the Gryffindors: their common room was omega cozy). Iskall and Ron groaned simultaneously.


"Typical." Harry said darkly. "Just what I always wanted. To make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Malfoy."

Doc, who was ready to hex Draco to kingdom come at this point, rolled his eyes as they walked into the Hall. Ron hadn't trusted Doc, Zedaph, or Nebs all month, so he avoided even looking at him as he walked with all the other Hermits.

"He's been bragging everyone's ear off about how many times he's almost crashed into helicopters as a kid, I'm about ready to learn the Silencing Charm early."

Nebula sighed and explained how Doc coped. "He keeps sleeping on the same chair near the fire instead of his dorm, I have to wake him up every morning."

"And every morning, I get a heart attack from your ice cold hands. Seriously, you seem to dip them in ice overnight!" the Slytherin complained. Grian smirked.

"Well, I have an idea to fix that. The sleeping problems, not the cold hands. We can sneak into our other common rooms, we just have to keep sharing the passwords. I gave most of you guys notes overnight."

"How did you-?"

"Can I borrow Quidditch Through the Ages? Hermione's been looking for a copy." Mumbo interrupted, coming from behind. X nodded, forgetting his question and handing the book over.

"Thanks. Oi, 'Mione!"

Hermione looked over. "Oh, you found one! Thank you!"

The pair had become friends in the Library, where Mumbo was looking for something on a topic he'd heard from the Weasleys: vampires. Hermione helped him find one and they started studying together.

"If you're just curious about the brooms, just look through the first and ninth chapters: they cover just the broom the most." Mumbo suggested before going to the Ravenclaw table.

"What's that Neville's got?" Doc asked, pointing at the small, round glass ball the boy was holding. Nebula looked up from her History assignment and followed his gaze.

"Oh, that's a Remembrall. See how it's turning red? He's forgotten something- I think it's his robes. Oh no, Malfoy's at it again..." She sighed as Draco went to bully more people, including Neville.

"Better them than me." Doc quietly admitted, watching Zedaph as he abandoned his table for the Ravenclaw one.

"Proof that you're a Slytherin: 'Better they suffer than me'." Nebs said jokingly. Doc's attention turned to Bdubs, who was laughing at something with another Gryffindor.

"Who're you looking at now... Oh, Bdubs, you call him?"

"Yeah. He's my best friend, but he can be pesky at times." Doc explained, then he took out some supplies for his homework. 'Quill, check. Ink, check. Paper and textbooks, check.'

"Gargoyle Strike... Gargoyle Strike... 1911... "

"Boring~" Nebula sang, leaning against him.

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