Chapter Thirteen

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 Once again, there was a Quidditch match that had the entire school excited. Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff, which led to a much more even split in support: both in general and with the Hermits.

"C'mon dude, you got one win last match, that doesn't mean it'll happen every time!" Ren protested lightheartedly after Iskall had proudly stated that he was sure that his House would come on top again.

The Swede stuck their tongue out childishly, which earned a very lovingly aggressive bear hug from Ren. "I'll let you go when you take that back."


The Hufflepuff squeezed even harder, causing Iskall to finally surrender. He loosened his grip into a more calm hug, and continued to cling to the Gryffindor. Iskall chuckled and managed to lightly lean into the hug while the two still walked, rather slowly, to the Quidditch Pitch, two identical large, goofy grins on both their faces.

Scar yelped as he tripped on a random rock, but gasped in relief as he felt two hands grab him and pull him up. He breathlessly blurted out a "thank you!" before even looking at whoever caught him.

Dark forest eyes met Scar's bright emerald green. The stranger wore a Slytherin tie under a Hufflepuff scarf, the black and yellow matching their raven hair. "Um, hi. Are you okay?"

"Yeah! Thanks, um, I'm Scar." Words tumbled out of his mouth quicker than he could process.

The Slytherin chuckled and held out his hand. "I'm Cub! And either you're rooting for Hufflepuff or you are a Hufflepuff."

"I am a Hufflepuff, and I'm supporting my House." Scar shook Cub's hand, giving him an awkward smirk/smile. Little did they know, they were meeting their partners-in-crime for life.

Mumbo hurriedly ran after Grian, who'd already caught up to Iskall and Ren. The game usually took a few minutes to actually start, so our favourite spoon decided to bring Quidditch Through the Ages, just in case.

"Bumbo Jumboloni, hurry up!" Iskall snickered as Mumbo groaned/laughed at one of the many weird nicknames he'd somehow earned.

"I'm coming!"

"Wait up, will ya?!" Bdubs shouted, running after Doc. "Not all of us have absurdly long legs!!"

Doc laughed as he started to slow down. "Are you finally admitting that you're short?"

"No, 'cuz I'm not!" the small Gryffindor huffed as he finally caught up to Doc, who continued laughing as Bdubs took a moment to catch his breath. "You're... just really, really... really fast."

Bdubs leaned against Doc without thinking, burying his face in the Slytherin's shoulder. Doc quickly turned pink and quietly panicked. 'WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO WHY AM I FREAKING OUT HE'S LITERALLY JUST LEANING AGAINST ME-'

Doc felt his head slowly go on top of Bdubs', who also started internally panicking.


Watching from behind the pair, Etho curiously walked up (interrupting the mutual gay panic). "Um, hi! I'm Etho. You two are friends with Xsu- Shisum- Xeesim- um... X, right?"

"Y-Yeah, we are." Doc pulled away from Bdubs and looked at Etho. "Who're you?"

"Etho. You are?"

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