Chapter Nine

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"Did you hear? The first Quidditch match is coming up!" There were four particular Hermits who were excited (one from each House): Tango (who was more curious than excited), Ren, Iskall (who couldn't wait to be able to play himself), and Doc (who wanted to join his House team as well, once he could).

Ever since Hermione had become friends with Ron, Harry, and all the Hermits, she became a lot more relaxed about the rules. Two examples:

For one, she finally let the Ravenclaws get her into their common room. Mumbo had told her about the one wall filled with books, and the Ravenclaw Hermits had no problem letting her borrow some.

For another, she'd made a small blue fire you could carry in a jar, which she, Ron, and Harry used to relax on the grounds before Snape told them off for bringing books outside of school. She taught X how she made it, and he started carrying around a jar at all times, just in case.

"I don't wanna..." Bdubs groaned.

"I know you had Astronomy last night, but you still got plenty of sleep, Bdubs. Now, come on! Or I'll replace you with Nebula!" Doc teased. Bdubs had been a bit jealous of Nebula lately, and Doc kept (jokingly) using it to his advantage. To be honest, he thought the Gryffindor wasn't being serious when he acted jealous: nobody could replace the small, impulsive, chaotic builder as Doc's c- I mean, best friend (Doc, I said best friend, calm yourself-).

Bdubs grunted and kept walking to their seats. Iskall wore his Gryffindor scarf, and was currently debating with Zed on who'd win.

"Yes, our players are kinda jerks, but they can get a clean win."

"Please, have you met Flint? He threatened to beat Impulse up when he accidentally bumped into him during breakfast today."

"He did what." Tango interrupted, his head bolting up from his book (Basic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed). Impulse tried to calm him down, but Scar didn't focus on that.

"Ren, I'm guessing by the borrowed red scarf, you're cheering for Gryffindor?"

"For now, yeah." Ren nodded and adjusted his sunglasses over his bright blue eyes. He always wore them when he could: they weren't allowed in class. Even if they were, he wouldn't be able to see a thing in the Potions dungeons if he wore them.

All the Hermits (minus the Slytherin ones) were rooting for Gryffindor. Nebula and Doc were okay with that, but Zed kept pouting about how his team had to be jerks and Gryffindor had to be so popular.

"Alright, I think I've got a pair for everyone." Xisuma handed out binoculars to everyone. They had come rather early, so they had front row seats.

Bdubs was half-asleep on Doc's shoulder, who was wondering why he was low-key panicking internally. Several Gryffindors had banners, and most were supporting the new Seeker. The Hermits had only recently found out that Harry was the youngest Quidditch player in a century, as the new Gryffindor Seeker. His father, James Potter, had apparently been a Chaser.

"Look, they're coming out!" Grian pointed out, almost jumping out of his seat. The Slytherins in emerald green, and the Gryffindors in a bright red, the two teams of seven marched out.

Madame Hooch, who was also the referee for these games, apparently, stood in the middle of the pitch, broom in hand.

"Now, I want a nice fair game, all of you." Hooch said once everyone was gathered around her. She was mainly looking at the Slytherin team (Iskall noticed and smirked).

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