Chapter Eight

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Quick Note: I really shouldn't update every single day, I only have one other pre-written chapter left. I'll try to follow an actually reasonable update schedule without accidentally abandoning this. Also, there might be a few parts and a transition that don't make much sense if you haven't read the Harry Potter books or seen the movies. If you're one of those people (lookin' at you, KitKat), please watch a video on the troll scene from Sorcerer's Stone. If you're confused by what I mean, let me know in the comments. Anywoo, enjoy!

"Why would anyone want to eat that?!" Iskall pointed at what everyone had found out was a vomit-flavoured bean. Everyone had gotten into the Gryffindor common room (avoiding Percy Weasley the whole time) and the Hermits were chewing on Every Flavour Beans again.

"Makes it interesting, mon ami." Nebula shrugged, happily eating a candy floss one.

Iskall huffed. "I bet you've never actually eaten one."

"Yeah, I have. After I've already puked."

Everyone but Doc stared at the Slytherin girl.


Bdubs snickered and handed her a Chocolate Frog. "Because you basically ate vomit after you vomited."

"And? I've done stranger."

Doc shook his head and passed the box of beans around again.

"One. Two. Three."

Xisuma, Scar, Ren, and Grian gagged.

"It's bloody eggs. Rotten bloody eggs."

"I think I got the vomit one...."

"I think I'm gonna puke."


Mumbo patted Grian's back (he'd gotten rotten eggs) as he choked on his water as an attempt to wash the taste out. Ren also had some water to get the taste of worms out. Xisuma curled into a ball on the couch, and Scar did the same thing on the floor (he'd gotten an unknown one, but it tasted absolutely horrible).

Weeks afterward, Hallowe'en came around. The Ravenclaws and Gryffindors were excited: they were learning the Levitation Charm in class after lunch.

"You already know it: we've seen you do it! You didn't need to study all bloody night!" Grian reminded X, who sighed.

"Doesn't mean I can't get better."

"THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU DON'T BLOODY SLEEP!" The Weasley twins yelled dramatically from behind Grian, who joined in.

Tango held back a snicker. Grian, Fred, and George were making it their job to fix Xisuma's sleep schedule, and Fred had once managed to get X to sleep (yes, he may have slipped a Sleeping Draught in his food, but it worked, didn't it?), but otherwise they were usually unsuccessful.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Tango attempted. His feather gave a flop, then nothing. "Oh, come on."

Meanwhile, Ron and Hermione bickered, and annoyed the heck out of Bdubs.

"Oh, would you two keep it down!" He eventually snapped. Ron scoffed, but Hermione gave a small apology and scolded Ron quieter.

"Thank you."

"Grian, no! I swear, someone's going to die if you keep doing that." Mumbo just barely stopped Grian from poking another Ravenclaw's eye out with his wand.


"Gri, wave like this." Mumbo did a small swish and flick. "You don't need to flail your arms."

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