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lizxpersfan: oh my gosh I met these 2 at the spa AHHH dream come true!89k likes    4,000 commentsTags: lizells perssunkins

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lizxpersfan: oh my gosh I met these 2 at the spa AHHH dream come true!
89k likes    4,000 comments
Tags: lizells perssunkins

lizells: love you bae<3

perssunkins: awh cutieee x

fanpageliz: OMG SO LUCKY

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Lizzy pov:

I hear my alarm clock go off . It was so loud holy fucking shit. I try to turn it off as my eyes are still closed . I reach out to grab my phone but instead I push something big off my bed side table. "Shit" I mumble under my breath . I finally open my eyes as Perry runs in with a scared face.

"What the fuck Perry ugh it's so early in the morning " I kind of shout , but I still had my ugly morning voice.

"you fucking scared me by pushing one of ur perfumes off ur fucking bed side table " she said as she sat down at the end of my bed. "Its 11:20 , and remember we have a spa day today at 12:35 so u better start to get ready, I also got us matching stuff for everything,  matching swim suit , robe , face mask etc . So get ready and I will finish making pancakes " wow she did all that in 1 night . Damn that girl is the best I'm so lucky . "Wow that's a lot u did in 1 night " I said as i got off the bed and started to stretch.  "1 night and half a morning " oh so she went out while I was asleep which is fair enough.  "Oh wow well imma get ready so meet ya in 30?" I said with a smile . "Of course cya" she smiled back and left my room. I go into my closet and put some clothes on just until we get to the spa , then put my hair in space buns. I decided to not put any makeup on so I was all natural.

Your outfit

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Your outfit.

time skip to spa(sorry)

Lizzys pov:

Me and Perry were singing and vibing to a random playlist on spotify we put on. The drive was about 35 minutes so it was pretty long but extremely fun. Everything is funer with Perry. The time went by faster than I thought because before I knew it Perry was parking the car in the spas private car park. She got both of our bags out of the trunk , she chucked my pink Gucci one . I turn around and see literally the most fanciest building ever. It was so huge was well. The outside was made of marbles continued with some gold and silver. My jaw dropped when I was the entrance. The floor was marble and there was a big red carpet leading to the front desk where we would check in. I look at the top and there was a huge chandelier. It was crystal clear with a bit of gold on it to go with the theme . I was so speechless.

"So do u like it?" Perry asked with a smirk on her face as we walked. "Woah yes of course I do I love it , u didnt have to do all this you know?" I said nervously.  I don't know why I felt nervous all of a sudden. "Well I had to do it for my best friend. U seriously needed a spa day" she jokes and points at me . I do a shocked and offended face but then start to laugh." How much did this cost tho?" I asked while checking in. "Uh well um uh like $3,500" oh my fucking God. THIS GIRL REALLY SPEND 3.5K ON ME . OH MY GOD. I was drinking some water and then I spit it out . The desk lady looked at me with a  confused look . " 3.5K WHAT THE FUCK THATS SO EXPENSIVE AND WHY WOULD YOU DO THA-" and before I could finish talking Perry put her hand over my mouth and started to speak " hey just shh u weren't the one paying for it so enjoy getting a free spa day from me" she said as she took her hand of my face. I just nodded and we started to walk in a elevator. "Come here" she pulled me closer and took out her phone and took a photo. She then posted it on Instagram.


perssunkins: spa day every day ;)1

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perssunkins: spa day every day ;)
1.1 million likes    200k comments
Tags: lizells

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layale90xo commented: ugly ew

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allythequeen: cuties ily guys

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