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        liz.ells: missed this fella
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Lizzy pov:

As I left Harry on the bench I basically ran back to Talia's apartment. I couldn't do this anymore. Maybe Perry was right , I will regret this. Why was I such a idiot to think that things would go back to normal, of course they wouldn't he cheated on me and it's been two years.

It took me 15 minutes to get back and as I opened the door Talia rushed over to me . "SOOO TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED I WANT ALL OF THE DETAILS GIRLL" she said in a high pitched voice. I looked up to her as I took my shoes off and bursted into tears.

"Talia I don't think I can do this , i thought I could but it hurts so much" I cried in her arms on the floor.

"Oh honey it's okay come here , you don't have to rush into anything" she hugged me tightly as tears were streaming down my face. "Come let's get you into pjs and we can watch some YouTube to get your mind off it"

I put my  pjs on and talia got her ones as we bought them a few years back for our girls trip. She sat down on my bed with me and we ended up watching some Vouge Beauty videos until she randomly turned to me and said "Hey I know what might cheer you up" in a high pitched voice.
I wasn't sure anything could but I'll still hear her out and I js nodded and looked at her. "Sooo the sidemen are having their 10 year anniversary party tomorrow night and they would love to have you there and before you shut the idea down and say this isn't your kind of thing please just consider it" she said while looking at me. She was right this wasn't my kind of thing. "Isn't Harry going to be there?" I asked her , now avoiding eye contact. "Well no as he called the boys a few days ago telling them he won't be showing up as he couldn't be asked , so you don't have to worry about that" she said. "Maybe I will go I mean I would like to spend some more time with the boys and everyone else like I missed them" I said. "YESSS GIRL WE CAN GO SHOPPING TOMORROW FOR A CUTE OUTFIT" she said squealing and jumping up and down.

Oh well maybe it will be nice to do something different for a change. We finished the video we watched and fell asleep.

Jj's pov:

Now that Lizzy is back I can finally spend some time with her. I might message her asking if she wants to come to the 10 year sidemen anniversary party tomorrow night. It will be perfect , especially since Harry isn't going , noting will stop me and her from talking and dancing and catching up.

As I get a bottle of water from the kitchen Simon walks in. "So hey I was thinking of inviting Lizzy tomorrow for the 10 year anniversary party" I said to him as I opened the bottle. "Yeah that's great and all but Harry just told Freezy that he will be showing up and that he just came back home from a walk , which I assume it was with Lizzy considering she posted on her insta and apparently he was really upset , eyes were red and everything" Simon said to me looking concerned. Shit. There goes my plans. "Well harry already said she wasn't coming so what the fuck man we can't just not invite Lizzy , we knew her longer and it's been ages since she's been with us" I say with a louder voice. Anger filled up my body. How can he just do that? "Look calm down bro , talia just texted me Lizzy is excited to come and I told her not to mention how Harry will show up and all we have to do is keep them apart okay? It will all be fine jj now go to sleep we have to get everything ready tomorrow" he says as he walks over to his room.

He's right I should but I won't let that prick hurt Lizzy again. I can't let her go again.

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