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lizells: u drive me crazy 1

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lizells: u drive me crazy
1.1 mil likes 170k comments

Lizzys pov:

I come back home , tried but mostly kinda embarrassed. The interview was a bit awkward and one of the boys made me uncomfortable by looking at my tits . I was trying to give signals to the others about what he was doing. No one noticed. I hate men. Anyways over all it was alright.

I put my keys on the counter and take my coat and shoes off. Home sweet home. I was extremely hungry as well since I didnr have breakfast. I decide to make myself and Perry if she wants it , some pasta and chicken. I shoot Perry a text. As I wait for her response I make my way over to the kitchen and get everything ready. She replied back after about 3 mins . She said yes so I guess it's a besties date6;). I'm joking but I grab the pot and start to make me and the other girl a lovely meal.

It's been 37 mins and I hear the door unlock . A smirk appears on my face. Perry comes walking in .

Perry: mmm that smells so good

I smirk once again,"why thank you " I reply back.

She sits on one of the seats and we start to have a conversation about girl things. Time passed fast and before we knew it we were almost finshed with the food. She looked so good today. Wait what , that was me being friendly nothing more lol. Anyways we finish our food as she goes on her phone and I start to wash the dishes .


perssunkins: best chef ever

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perssunkins: best chef ever.
800k likes 70k comments
Tags: liz.ells

liz.ells: yuh I'm the best;)

ellssunkins: omg so cute

sunkinsfann: is this a date?

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I look over to my phone and see a Instagram notification. I open to see what it is. Perry tagged me in a post. I smirk and look at the caption "best chef" I turn to her flip my hair . She laughs and I laugh along. I turn around and comment.

An other hour passes , we both were on our phones. All of a sudden , Perry shakes my shoulder and looks at me with a concerned face. When I look at her screen my face drops and so does my heart...

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