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lizells: London Baby2

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lizells: London Baby
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Tags: taliamar

Lizzys pov:

There he was. The love of my life , standing there wating for me to come down and hopefully do something , and I did. I ran up to him and fell right into his arms tightly. His warm touch gave me butterflies in my stomach. I finally felt loved and safe. It was a public area so we probably shouldn't have done that but I dont care. We stayed like that for a while and during that i heard a camera click so I quickly pulled away. I already missed his touch . Talia clears her throat and points to my bags. I quickly turn to pick them up but harry pushed my arm away and he picks it up "Harry I can d-" before i could say anything she put his finger over my mouth and i felt like i turned into a bright red tomato with fireworks in my stomach. After that i stayed silent for the whole car journey , still in shock.

(At talias)

As we arrive at talias , harry is still with us , i thought talia was gonna drop him off where ever he lives now but I was wrong. I mean I'm not complaining but i would have liked some girl time with talia. As harry picks up all my bags j instantly feel bad that hes doing all the work. "I feel bad hes carrying everything" I whisper to talia . "Well he dosent mind it sooo" . Oh well I still felt bad but I just nodded. We walked up for a bit since the elevators were out of order for some reason . We finally got there and harry put all the bags down and sat on the sofa , catching his breath. "Wow talia ur apartment is sick oh my lord" I say as I walk around . "Haha thanks bae but it's not as cool as your old one" she replies back with. I just smile because I really didnt have a response to that. She showed me my room and said I could get a new bed if I needed it or didnt find this one comfy and I sat on the bed and oh my god it felt like a feather. It was so soft I literally sank into it. As I sank into it talia laughed and harry walked in. He just smiled at me for a bit while talia was dying of laughter. "Nice room ya got Liz" he finally says as talia calms down. "Thanks Harold" I say and smile back slightly. He hasnt called me liz in so long I missed it. He scrached his neck and said "okay I should probably go bye liz bye talia" "bye bye harry " we both said.

After harry left talia quickly rushed next to me and squealed. "EEEKKK WHEN ARE YOU 2 GONNA BE BACK TOGETHER " . "Woah woah woah tal let's not go there hah he just went trought a break up , plus not ready" I say as I look down. "Girl are you serious? Hes head over heels for you dont be so blind and yes I do know he just went trought that but I also know hes been head over heels in love with you thought the whole of 2 years but he still also loved Katie but he loved you too". I just sat there and didnt know what to say. I missed him so much but I couldn't just get back with him so easily its not how it works. I just let out a sigh and talia hugs me and tells me to start unpack . I do as she says and hug her back.

It was about 2 hours of me unpacking and when I was finally done I decided to take a selfie and post it on Instagram. I looked like a mess but oh well. I typed a caption and I pressed post. I put some shorts on and a t-shirt and went in the living room and me and talia just had a movie night. It was so much fun and I felt so much better after that . I finally felt relaxed.

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